Part 2: In Which Wednesday Arrives

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To Sylvie's satisfaction the day had turned dark and stormy shortly before Wednesday and her family were due to arrive. She knew the late fall thunderstorm would do wonders for the Addams family's mood.

She normally would have stood in the rain and enjoyed the beautiful weather, but she thought that Weems wouldn't appreciate her being drenched while greeting guests, even if they were old family friends.

Sylvie sat on the ground under an overhang in a meditation pose that Fester had taught her and recalled fond memories of her family's visits with the Addams family. She was recalling the time when she and Wednesday had built a child sized electric chair when one of the Addams' many town cars pulled up outside the school's main entrance.

Unhurriedly and with practiced elegance, Sylvie stood and dusted off her purple and black uniform skirt as the Addams family exited their vehicle.

Morticia descended upon the young French-American girl speaking to her in a rushed French about how much she had missed her god-daughter, griping her shoulders as if she'd escape, and kissing both her cheeks in the customary way. Sylvie gave the woman a small smile as she moved to shake Gomez's hand very firmly. They both attempted to not wince as they let go.

Sylvie turned to greet her dearest twin-tailed friend when she was practically tackled into a hug by the younger Addams sibling.

"Vivi!" The boy practically cried her childhood nickname as he embraced the pale girl.

The girl wriggled her arm out of the boy's tight grasp and patted his head twice, feeling uncomfortable with the public display.

"Enough," said Wednesday. Pugsley quickly let go and went to stand next to his father.

The black haired girl approached the silver haired girl, the tension so thick you could cut it with one of Wednesday's scalpels. Carefully, so as not to touch each other they kissed the air above each other's cheeks.

"I've missed you, ma râleuse," Sylvie said with an impish smile.

Wednesday smirked. "The sentiment is much appreciated."

After a brief chat with Principal Weems, the Addams and Sylvie were lead up to Wednesday's new dorm in Ophelia Hall.

Weems opened the door to an extremely bright and colorful room, and Sylvie shot a concerned glanced at Wednesday.

The Addams family plus Sylvie held back looks of distress. Morticia even gasped.

"It's so...vivid," Gomez stated.

Weems just smiled and nodded at the four of them that stood in the doorway, carefully keeping out of the colorful streams of light from the window.

A girl, presumably Wednesday's new roommate, excitedly ran up to them with a big smile.

"Howdy roomie!" the girl practically cheered as Wednesday looked the most bewildered Sylvie had ever seen her.

"Wednesday, this is Enid Sinclair," the principal explained.

"Are you feeling okay?" Enid interrupted. "You look a little pale," the blond said with a gesture.

"Wednesday always looks half dead," said the girl's father.

"Oh," then Enid smiled again and put her arms out for a hug. "Welcome to Ophelia Hall!"

The shorter girl took a step back and pulled Sylvie behind her as Enid approached.

Enid looked from Wednesday to Sylvie and backed off putting her hands up.

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