Part 11: In Which the Poe Cup Occurs

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Sylvie's morning was so hectic, she had no time to think about Wednesday's accusation against her best friend. Between shining the Poe Cup Trophy to perfection, getting Yoko settled in her dorm, supervising the set up of the five tents, solving a last minute problem with the flags at the crypt, a frank conversation with the student treasurer about if they could afford less moth eaten decorations for next year, and many smaller tasks that could not be delegated to others, Sylvie barely had time to question why she had wanted to become the student event coordinator.

By the time Weems had shot the starter pistol, Sylvie was just putting the finishing touches on the after party decorations in the quad. She regretted not being able to see her friends compete, but was excited to provide whoever won with a beautiful reception.

Now that she had a moment to think she started to ponder Wednesday's accusation against Bianca. She knew that the siren was extremely competitive and would do whatever she could to win, so was it that much of a stretch to think that Bianca would temporarily disable a friend to win?

The thought slightly scared her. If Bianca would do that just to win a school competition, what would stop her from doing worse things for better rewards?

Wednesday had won the Poe Cup for Ophelia Hall. Sylvie was extremely proud yet still upset with her.

She had decided to comfort Bianca first and congratulate the goth girl later.

"It's okay," Sylvie soothed the grumpy girl. "There's always next year."

Then Kent joined the golden bug team plus Sylvie at their table sporting a nasty bruise on his face.

Davina started scolding her twin immediately.

"I can't believe you!" she said in a hushed tone, "It was your job to help us win. She's never lost. Never!

"Oh my gosh! Kent are you alright?" Sylvie exclaimed.

"Oh who cares he's the one who lost us the Poe Cup anyway," Bianca said with a roll of her pale eyes.

"And to someone who was passed out in the middle of the race too!" Davina whined.

"What are you talking about?" Sylvie asked, "And who was passed out during the race?"

"Promise not to get us in trouble?" Davina asked.

"I promise," Sylvie agreed, getting nervous.

"Kent helped us so we would win."

"Okay," Sylvie said, pinching the bridge of her nose. "How did he help you?"

All three sirens refused to look at her or answer her questions.

"Bianca? Davina? Kent?" The silver haired girl looked at them each in turn.

After a full minute of silence Kent finally replied, "I was in the water pushing the canoes around." Yet he still wouldn't look the girl in her green eyes.

"Kent, why aren't you able to look at me?" Sylvie questioned.

"Be quiet, idiot!" Bianca hissed at him.

"Kent," Sylvie asked the boy whom had definitely had a crush on her, "what did you do?"

"I may have fed Yoko garlic bread the other night," he said quietly.

"Are you kidding me?" Sylvie asked. "You poisoned your own sister's girlfriend?"

"Listen," Bianca said, "this isn't all Kent's fault. We all planned this."

"Ha! I can't believe Wednesday was right! And I believed in you over her, Bianca. I have to go apologize. I'll talk to you three later," Sylvie said before storming off.

"Wait," Davina called before catching up to the upset girl. "I didn't know that they did that to Yoko. I would never ever wanna hurt her. And I know you feel the same about Wednesday, so you should know that she was passed out in the middle of the race, near Crackstone's Crypt."

"Thank you Davina. Yoko's back in her dorm. You should visit her later," Sylvie said, giving the girl a small smile.

"Thank you! I will!" the siren said as she turned to go back to her defeated team.

"Now how in the nine circles of hell am I going to apologize to my girl," Sylvie muttered to herself as she marched back toward her dorm.

i took over a year off(at least it felt like that long)
and cut you bitches some slack
tell a friend to tell a friend
she's bbaaaccckkk

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2023 ⏰

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