Part 6: In Which the Second Escape Attempt Fails

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Wednesday, Enid, and Sylvie stood in the middle of the bustling carnival watching Tyler and his dad argue.

"Well this is a poor excuse for a harvest festival," Sylvie remarked glumly. "No dancing, bad music, gross food, and not a bonfire in sight. I don't blame you for wanting to leave."

"Are you sure you can trust that normie?" Enid asked.

"I trust that I can handle myself."

Enid turned toward the pair of friends. "Well good luck and safe travels."

She moved towards Wednesday to hug her. The twin tailed girl stepping back knocking into Sylvie who steadied her with a hand on her back.

"Still not a hugger. Got it."

Enid turned and left so the girls could say goodbye in privacy.

"Send me a postcard from wherever you end up," Sylvie said. "I'll send whatever I can steal of your stuff to the drop spot in Ohio."

"Thank you."

"Anything for you, mon corbeau."

Wednesday just gave her a rare small smile.

Sylvie backed away, wondering when she would see her friend next.

"I bid you adieu," she said with a little bow. Then she turned around and walked away, trying not to feel the gnawing sadness and fighting the urge to go back and embrace the Addams girl.

Sylvie had spent the rest of her night with Bianca playing carnival games and teasing some normie boys.

They had decided to watch the fireworks from the Farris Wheel.

"Look it's your girlfriend with the normie that ruined Xavier's mural."

"Bianca, she's not my..."

Sylvie looked down at where her friend was pointing. The normie had Wednesday in his arms as she was limp with her head back. She stood up with the boy's help as if she'd just come out of a trance.

Sylvie exchanged concerned a look with Bianca.

"Look there she goes! She's chasing someone."

"Is that... Rowan?" Sylvie asked.

"Yeah. What a weirdo," the siren replied.

The silver haired girl glared at her.

Bianca put her hands up. "I was talking about Rowan."

"He was our friend."

"Key word 'was'. Did you know he threw Xavier against their dorm wall with his powers the other week?"

"Seriously?" Sylvie asked as they reached the top of the Ferris Wheel.

"Seriously," Bianca replied.

"When we get off this thing, I'm gonna go look for them. Wanna come?"

Bianca looked at her friend for a moment then sighed.


Bianca and Sylvie walked down the boardwalk toward where Rowan and Wednesday had run into the woods.

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