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Tyler didn't know why he had thought that telling his father would be easy.

In theory, it should have been simple enough- after all, they just needed to schedule a dinner with the sheriff and then tell him. After all, that was what they had done with Wednesday's parents (minus, of course, the scheduling bit, since they regularly had weekly dinners).

Of course, that assumed that Donovan could actually manage to make the time for a dinner with them. That apparently was not the case, even though the Jericho case launch went fairly smoothly, the frantic lead-up and release only taking up two weeks.

But following right on the heels of the launch was a whole slew of meetings with investigators, followed by a series of somewhat alarming doctor's appointments on Donovan's part following what he referred to as an incident in the office.

Apparently Donovan sorely needed to take a break for a bit and cash in on a chunk of the vacation time he had built up over the years before the stress from running the community ended up affecting his heart any more than it already had. Tom (one of Sheriffs advisors) had taken the doctor's recommendation one step further and insisted that he travel out of the country, just to keep him out of the office and away from all of the reports on how the case was doing.

He was leaving in three weeks, since that was the earliest that Tom could get together all of the reservations that Mr. Galpin needed for his extended vacation.

Wednesday and Tyler phoned up Tom again after they got the news, asking if Mr. Galpin would be able to have dinner together with them. He penciled them in, only to call back the evening before to let them know that Mr. Galpin was meeting with one more suspect and witness and couldn't make the dinner.

"Of course," Tyler groaned as he hung up. "He probably figures that we met up with him recently enough, since we just had dinner with him before we found out that you're pregnant. But he's bound to want to see us once more before he leaves for two months, right?"

Wednesday looked rather uncertain. "Uh..."

.....on second thought, yeah, maybe Wednesday had a point. His father had gone for longer without having dinner with the two of them. After all, Mr. Galpin probably just saw the dinners as a way to get a abbreviated update on what Tyler was up to, and to try to get Wednesday to quit her current lab job and instead be a detective at Jericho. He could get the updates from Tom just as well, and Wednesday had just rejected his ninth offer at their previous dinner.

Still, that didn't mean that they shouldn't try. Besides, they had had a doctor's appointment of their own coming up the following week, so they would hopefully find out if they were having a boy or a girl.

"My grandmother is coming up this week," Wednesday told Tyler, pulling him out of thoughts of wondering exactly how difficult it might be to break the news to his father. "I was thinking that we could break the news over here over dinner, because she wants to see the kitties while she's here."

"Are you thinking of having her over with our usual Saturday evening dinner with your parents, or midweek?" Tyler asked, trying to figure out what dates he could give Tom to see if his father was free. "I think it might be your parents' turn to host Saturday dinner, but we could always change that."

"Midweek, I think."

Tyler nodded. That made sense. Wednesday would want to see her grandma as often as possible while she was in town, so having more than one meal together would do that. "Can you see which evening she wants to do as soon as possible? I'll try to reschedule with my father."

"Of course."

"And then do you want to go shopping to get a few more baby supplies tomorrow, since we won't have to be home by a certain time to meet up with my father?" Tyler asked her. "I know we're probably going to be fine with baby clothes, but we do need a crib and a changing table, and a baby carrier, and- oh, all that stuff."

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