ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟝 - 𝕂𝕚𝕜𝕪𝕠'𝕤 ℝ𝕖𝕕𝕖𝕞𝕡𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟, ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝟙

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Advanced Nurturing High School Database

Name — Kikyo Kushida
Class — First Year, Class C (UPDATED)
Student ID — S01T004769
Club Affiliations — None
Date Of Birth — 23rd January

Evaluation :
Academic Ability — B
Intelligence — C-
Decision Making — D
Physical Ability — C
Cooperativeness — B

Comments From The Interviewer :
She has a very sweet nature, and aims to become a leading figure in her high school life. She is good at both her academics and sports, and she has an active social life. However, due to a certain incident in her middle school, she is being put in Class D for monitoring.

Notes From Homeroom Instructor (1) :—
She has become quite popular in class, and has made many friends in a very short time. Her influence could become very important in the class later on.

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( Third Person POV )

"Alright runts, close ya eyes and keep shut. Anyone opens and I beat them to a pulp."

The class groaned in annoyance, but closed their eyes so as to not waste time. Kakeru Ryuuen cracked a sadistic smile when he realized the amount of power he held in the situation. He could single-handedly pummel Class C to the bottom of this exam just by wasting time. Of course, Chabashira-sensei was standing at the back of the classroom, watching the Exam unfold with sharp eyes. But she did not leak any emotion.

Stoic and beautiful, as always.

Ryuuen whistled to himself, and then spoke. "Alright, Murderers. Rise and shine for Round One."

The Murderers opened their eyes, and quietly scanned the class to look at their accomplices.

To Ryuuen, the only ones who stood out were Horikita Suzune and Kikyo Kushida. Both of them had been chosen as Murderers. The others in the class were weak fry to Ryuuen. These two girls were the only ones who could probably make a difference.

"Kill someone," Ryuuen said in a bored tone. If someone had heard him say this sentence without context, it would have sounded surprisingly convincing.

Horikita immediately pointed towards a surprising person in the class — Hirata Yosuke.

Ryuuen widened his eyes, and so did every other Murderer. Horikita had blatantly pointed out that she wanted Hirata to be killed. Ryuuen laughed to himself mockingly, seeing that the situation had already become interesting.

"Kuku..... wow, not bad."

Ryuuen avoided giving out any information that could leak out anyone's role. Chabashira-sensei was present at the back of the class for this precise reason — to make sure that Ryuuen does not give out anyone's name.

However, a hand shot up in the air instantly. It belonged to Kikyo Kushida.

Quietly, and without as much as making a sound, Kushida looked at Horikita with pleading eyes, internally challenging her decision to kill Hirata. The other Murderers also looked at Horikita concernedly, and sided with Kikyo Kushida on this one.

But Horikita remained adamant. She pointed at Hirata one last time, who had his eyes closed peacefully this entire time. The other Murderers were unable to understand why she was even choosing Hirata to kill in the first place.

But Ryuuen, being someone with great insight, was able to connect the dots.

Horikita isn't targeting Hirata because she had something personal against him.

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