ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟚𝟛 - 𝕀𝕘𝕟𝕚𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟

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"Takeyama, please take a seat," Chabashira-sensei said as she ushered me into the meeting room. "I hope you're feeling better now."

"I am. Thank you for your concern, sensei."

I took a seat on the round table ahead of me, and stared at the members sitting. Three of them were my classmates — Kakeru Ryuuen, Honami Ichinose and Arisu Sakayanagi. The four homeroom teachers were there too — Tomonari Mashima, Chie Hoshinomiya, Kazuma Sakagami and Sae Chabashira.

No one else in the room.

"Now that everyone's here, I think I can start the meeting," Mashima-sensei said. "The agenda, as you all have been informed already, is the addition of the new students in Class S based on their overall performance in the Deduction Exam."

Silence. Mashima took that as a cue to continue.

"You all are here for a single reason — to ask any questions regarding the decision that has been taken by the Board and teachers. Since you were the Proctors of the Exam, you will be given certain powers today, such as to question the decisions. But all must be based on valid evidence and claims. Don't question unnecessarily.

So here are the students who have been given the option to change their class. Of course, they have the option to go to any class they want, but given the current situation, it is very probable that all of them will choose Class S."

"A total of four students have been inducted with this opportunity," Mashima-sensei said. "Only three have however claimed the pass."

Arisu, Ryuuen and Ichinose raised their eyebrows when they heard 'three', but I knew exactly what was happening.

I gave Chabashira-sensei a side-eyed glance, but she ignored me.

"Three students? How come the fourth student did not switch to Class S?

"I was aware that this question would be asked, and therefore I have an answer," Mashima-sensei continued. "The MVP of Class C has decided not to switch classes."

"Wait, is that even allowed?"

"It definitely does not say anywhere that it is not," Mashima-sensei answered Ichinose's question. "The rules only state that the MVP from each class will receive a ticket to transfer to the class of their liking. Nowhere does it say that you really have to transfer. If you don't want to change your class, you don't have to."

Ryuuen, Ichinose and Arisu remained a bit dumbfounded. Of course, they probably had not thought of the rule in that way. After all, it is not explicitly mentioned that the MVP must change classes. Only if you dig deep into the rules that you see that these sort of loopholes exist.

"What is the criteria for choosing an MVP?" Arisu asked.

"It is majorly based on your performance in the Special Exam, your speaking skills and your leadership qualities."

"That answer was a little too vague, but I don't think I'll get a better answer if I asked once more, would I?"

"This is a rehearsed answer, and is all that you will receive, Sakayanagi," Mashima-sensei concluded. "Now if there is no question, may I move further?"


"There are four students who were adjudged as MVP, one from each class. The MVP of Class C has decided to only collect the Private Points reward, and has chosen not to change classes. So from the next semester onwards, Class S will consist of 7 students."

"Won't that create an imbalance?" Ichinose asked. "Class C will have 39 students, but the other classes will have 38."

"And Class S has 7," Mashima-sensei retorted. "There is nothing to fear, Ichinose. Every class is well aware of the handicap that they'll be facing, or the headstart they might get."

Another Like Me - Part II (CoTE x OC)Where stories live. Discover now