6 - Ruby

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The following day at school, I was placing my binders into my locker when a figure suddenly leaned on the locker next to me.

"Hello, Daisy," Malcolm beamed at me.

"What do you want?" I cast him a suspicious look as I closed my locker.

"You wound me," he dramatically clutched his heart. "Can't I just spend some time with my friend without having an ulterior motive?"

"Have you met yourself?"

He childishly stuck out his tongue before wheeling me in the direction of the cafeteria.

"No way," I spun around. "I'd rather die than spend lunch in the cafeteria."

"Where do you usually spend lunch?"

"Depends. Some days, I just lock myself in the washroom. Although, if the smell's really bad, which it is most of the time, then I head to the library and have lunch with Mrs. Janice."

"Wow, that's so... wow," he smiled, though it looked more like a grimace.

"Sad, I know," I said cheerfully. "Welp, I best be off."

"Ah ah ah, not today," Malcolm grinned. "I think it's time I formally introduce you to Elias and Andre."

"I don't know about tha—"

"Too late."

He opened the door to the cafeteria and dragged me in.

"Malcolm, I really don't think this is a good idea."

If Malcolm heard me, which I was certain he did, he didn't let it show. We reached the table, which was conveniently in the center of the cafeteria. Andre had previously been placing a forkful of salad into his mouth, though he froze when his eyes landed on me.

"Andre," Malcolm grinned once we reached the table, "this is Daisy!"

"Yeah, Malcolm, I know," Andre slowly spoke. "We've already met."

"Great, no need for introductions then!" he beamed before making me sit down. "Where's Elias?"

"He should be here any second now," Andre said, casting me a wary look. "And he's not gonna be happy to see her."

Malcolm was not deterred, in fact he gave a wide grin. "Speak of the devil."

Elias came strolling into the cafeteria. He appeared to be moving in slow motion, with his dark, tousled hair being blown by the wind. Eyes immediately followed him, and excited whispers erupted throughout the cafeteria. I rolled my eyes, refusing to indulge in the stupid cliche. His sharp jaw was clenched as his hooded eyes were trained on one thing, and one thing only—me.

"You're in my seat," he growled, arriving to a pit stop in front of me.

I quirked a brow and looked around, feigning confusion. "I don't see your name anywhere."

He darkly chuckled, though there was no amusement evident on his face. "You think you're funny?"

"Of course I do," I replied, much to his dismay.

Without waiting for me to move over, he sat down, giving me no choice but to huff and scoot over.

"Why is she here?" Elias demanded the other two.

"Don't look at me," Andre raised his arms.

"Relax," Malcom said, "I invited her to sit with us."

"I don't want her here."

"I'm sitting right next to you!" I exclaimed. Elias acted as though he could not hear me.

I promptly got up. "You know what? Clearly, I'm not wanted here."

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