41 - Betrayal

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I stood in front of my locker, ready to stuff my binders and textbooks away before heading to the cafeteria. It was a typical Monday afternoon, filled with the usual hustle and bustle of high school life. Just as I spun the combination lock, I felt a tap on my shoulder. Turning around, I saw Chelsea standing there, a mischievous grin on her face.

"Hey, Daisy," she said, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "I've got something for you."

I grunted as she shoved a stack of folders and papers into my arms. The mere weight of it caused my arms to wobble.

"What's all this?" I asked, bewildered.

"These, my dear friend, are everything you need to know about the cheer team—past games, documents, practice schedules, you name it."

My confusion only deepened. "I'm not following, Chels. Why would I need all this?"

"Because, my dear friend," Chelsea grinned, "you've been nominated as the new captain."

My jaw dropped, and the folders nearly slipped from her grasp. My mind struggled to process Chelsea's words. Captain of the cheer team? It seemed inconceivable.

"What? Me? Captain?" I stammered, my voice barely a whisper. I looked at Chelsea, hoping for some explanation or reassurance.

She nodded, her face beaming with confidence. "Yes, you, Daisy. After what happened with Heather, the team got together and decided that you would be the perfect person to lead us. You're passionate, dedicated, and you have a natural talent for motivating others."

"But, what about you? I mean, you've been a cheerleader since freshman year. I've only just joined the team!"

"That's exactly why we chose you," she remained undeterred. "You bring a fresh perspective, untainted by the expectations of our past captain. They believe in you, Daisy. And so do I."

I took a deep breath, letting Chelsea's words sink in. The weight of the folders in my hands suddenly felt lighter, as a newfound determination welled up within me. I looked up at Chelsea, my eyes filled with a mix of gratitude and determination.

"Alright," I eventually said, my voice steady and resolute. "I'll do it. I'll be the captain of the cheer team."

Chelsea squealed and giddily clapped her hands. Before I could give the matter much more thought, a pair of familiar calloused hands gently covered my eyes, blocking my vision.

"Guess who," a voice mischieviosly whispered into my ear.

My heart skipped a beat, recognizing the husky voice instantly. "I've got not clue who it could possibly be," I deadpanned.

"Come on, just take a guess," he insisted, and despite my eyes being covered, I could picture Elias smirking perfectly. The upward tilt of his lip, the teasing look in his eyes.

Chelsea snickered and played along. "Oh, Daisy, it could be anyone. Maybe it's that hottie who asked for your number last night, or the new guy with the dreamy eyes—Ben, was it?"

Elias finally moved his hands away. With that, Chelsea and I began to walk in the direction of the cafeteria.

For a moment, he silently trailed after us. Then, after casually sniffing, he quickly asked me,  "someone asked you for your number last night?"

He attempted to look nonchalant, but with the way his dark eyes were narrowed into slits, he practically reeked of possessiveness.

"It was just a joke," Malcolm chortled from behind. "And people call me the stupid one?"

I jumped, having not noticed that Malcolm had joined us in step.

"No one calls you stupid," Chelsea poorly consoled him while blowing on a piece of bubble gum.

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