37 - Fight

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Excitement rang high through the halls of Oakland High. The football team was playing later tonight, and everyone knew we were going to annihilate our opponents. We'd yet to lose a match this season, much thanks to the captain of the team, Elias. Speaking of, I hadn't seen him all day.

Malcolm, Chelsea and I were currently sitting in the cafeteria and eating food. Andre hadn't been to school all week, apparently out with a cold—just his luck, as I wasn't able to confront him about lying to me. Strangely enough, Elias was nowhere to be seen either. I briefly wondered where he was.

As if on cue, Coach Martins approached the three of us in the cafeteria, a clipboard in his hands and a stern look on his face.

"Afternoon, ladies," he gruffly greeted us, coming to a halt next to our table.

Malcolm looked indignant. "What about me?"

Coach gave him a blank look. "Are you not a girl?"

"No!" Malcolm huffed.

Stifling a giggle, I glanced up at Coach in curiosity. "Did you need something, sir?"

"Yes, actually. I just wanna know if everything's alright with Elias. I figured if anyone would know it'd be you lot, considering you're the only people at this school he seems to actually tolerate. Have any of you seen him today?"

"No, we haven't," I slowly replied.

"Well, would you tell him I'm looking for him? He hasn't shown up to practice in two weeks."

I was stunned by this, and evidently, Malcolm and Chelsea were as well. After all, Elias was the star quarterback and the captain of the team. Was he even allowed to miss practice?

"Mhm, we'll letch yhu nor f we shee im," Malcolm shamelessly addressed Coach through a mouthful of pasta, causing us all to grimace.

Nonetheless, Coach seemed to accept that as a good enough answer, as he nodded and turned away.

"That's weird... I'm a bit curious to know myself, where is Elias?" I offhandedly asked Malcolm and Chelsea, while picking at my nails.

Rather than answering the question, Malcolm and Chelsea exchanged looks.

"What?" I asked.

"Huh?" Chelsea asked.

"You guys looked at each other," I pointed out in suspicion.

"No, we didn't," Malcolm innocently said.

"Yes, you did."

The two of them exchanged looks again. Finally, Chelsea blurted, "what's going on between you and Elias?"

I froze. Of all things, I hadn't expected, well, that. "What do you mean?"

"Let's not beat around the bush," Malcolm bluntly intervened. "Something obviously happened between the two of you."

"What makes you say that?"

"You suck at hiding it, no offence."

"Gee, thanks," I sarcastically murmured, before hesitantly coming clean. "Fine, you guys are right... something did happen. The truth is, Elias and I kissed. Twice."

"What?" they bellowed in sync.

"Shh!" I hushed them, but it was to no avail. The cafeteria went silent as every head turned in our direction. I sunk in my seat, suddenly wishing I could crawl into a hole.

"Nothing to see here," Malcolm shamelessly addressed the mass. Thankfully, everyone in the cafeteria gradually looked away and resumed talking once more. With that, Malcolm faced me with an exasperated look on his face. "Fucking finally! It only took you idiots ten years."

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