27 - Phys Ed Class

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It was the last day of school before the Christmas break. Chelsea and I were becoming much closer. After she'd defended me from Heather, I felt like I was able to trust her, which was exactly why I'd chosen to confide in her during our phys ed class.

"I swear, Chels, I'm being watched. Just the other day, I was taking out the trash at work, and then I saw a figure watching me in the alleyway," I anxiously whispered while tightening my ponytail. "I don't know, maybe I really am crazy."

"Hey, don't do that," Chelsea scolded. "I totally believe you. Is there anyone you know who'd want to follow you?"


"Ladies, less talking, more running!" Mr. Martins, our new phys ed teacher, bellowed from the other side of the gym.

"Gosh, I hate our new PE teacher," Chelsea rolled her eyes.

"Me too," I sulked. "Ms. Lindsey never cared when we talked. Too bad she's on maternity leave."

Just as Chelsea opened her mouth to reply, a body shoved its way in between us.

"You heard the man, ladies, pick up the pace!" Malcolm taunted before evilly cackling and running past us.

Chelsea and I shared exasperated looks before slightly speeding up. As an ex-cheerleader who was already used to intense training, she was hardly phased by the activity. Meanwhile, I was completely out of breath by the time I'd finished the lap.

"Jeez, you're as slow as a turtle," Malcolm teased, coming to stand next to me while I was doubled over. "Hey, maybe turtle can be my nickname for you!"

Andre came to my defense. "Leave her alone, it's not her fault she's got short legs. Wait, that came out wrong. I'm not tryna say you have short legs, I just meant that you're really short for a seventeen year old girl, so it's not surprising that you're not a fast runner. Not to say you're slow or anything, it's just that—"

"Please do us all a favor and shut your ass up," Elias sweetly smiled, emerging from who knows where.

Phys ed was the only class I had with all three of the guys, although it was less glamorous than it seemed—besides having to watch them being pined after by Heather and her cronies, more often than not, they broke out into some stupid argument. Oh well, all is fair in love and war.

"Don't tell me to shut up."

"Yeah, don't tell him to shut up. Only I'm allowed to do that. Shut up, Andre," Malcolm said.

"Be quiet—"

"Mind your business—"

"Oh, so now you wanna gang up on me—"

They began to argue over one another. I rolled my eyes at the three big idiots, meanwhile Chelsea tossed me a water bottle, which I gladly chugged.

"Boys are stupid," Chelsea mused as she observed the trio.

"Agreed," I nodded. "May God punish whoever's ridiculous idea it was to create co-ed PE classes."

Just as everyone was recovering from the gruesome run, Mr. Martins blew his whistle.

"Everyone line up!" he barked.

I grimaced at his loud voice before obliging, as did the rest of the class.

"Today, we're gonna be playing dodgeball," he shouted. "Matthews and Davis, get up here—the two of you will be picking teams."

I internally cringed. Dodgeball was a nerd's worst nightmare. It granted the perfect opportunity for other kids to attack easy targets like me. I shuddered as I recalled the number of times I'd been brutally slammed while playing this barbarous game.

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