33 - Tryouts

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The following Tuesday, the lot of us had been chilling in the cafeteria during lunchtime when Malcolm suddenly perked up.

"Hey, do you guys wanna go to the movies after school and watch that new horror movie?" he asked in excitement. "Everyone's been talking about it. I heard it's really good."

"I don't do scary movies," Chelsea rejected the idea, scrunching her nose.

"Me neither," I murmured, slightly shivering at the thought of blood and violence, "besides, I'm busy."

"With what?" asked Malcolm, blue eyes twinkling in curiosity.

"Cheerleading tryouts."

"Oh, I forgot those were happening today! Good thinking, little sis. We can watch the girls who are trying out and scout for some hotties."

"Of course that's the first thing that comes to your mind," Andre sighed.

"No girl in their right mind would wanna get with you," Elias added with a snort.

"Agreed," I said.

Of course, it wasn't true. Many girls thought Malcolm was fairly good-looking, and he had acquired a bit of a reputation as a player. Nonetheless, I wasn't going to help inflate his already gigantic ego.

"Hey!" Malcolm pouted at me. "Why are you taking their side?"

"Sorry, but it's my duty as your little sis to humble you," I grinned. "Anyways, I'm not going to the cheerleading tryouts just to watch."

At this, the boys appeared confused. Meanwhile, Chelsea suppressed a smile.

"What are you going for, then?" Elias furrowed his eyebrows.

"I'm trying out," I casually replied.

Malcolm spat out his water in pure shock, and it splattered all over Elias' face.

Clenching his jaw, Elias slowly wiped his face and cast Malcolm a deadly glare. I nearly peed my pants at the look on his face even though I wasn't on the receiving end of it.

"You've got three seconds," Elias threatened through gritted teeth. "Three, two—"

Malcolm didn't need to be told twice. Screaming at the pitch of a little girl, he jumped up and scurried out of the cafeteria, practically tripping over his own feet.

"How long do you think he's gonna run until he realizes Elias isn't actually going after him?" Chelsea asked in amusement.

"Depends. Last time he made it to the border of Canada," Andre mused. "Anyways, let me get this straight—you're trying out for the cheerleading team?"

"Yup," I said.

"But, why?" He was at a loss for words, struggling to understand why I'd do such a thing.

"Why not?" Chelsea came to my defence.

"I don't know, it just... it doesn't seem like her type of thing. No offence, Flower, but you're kind of a nerd." he grimaced.

"Wha—Says you!" I exclaimed. "Back me up, Ellie."

To my dismay, Elias had amusement written all over his face. "Sorry, D, but you're not exactly the greatest when it comes to athletics."

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