21 - Intrusion

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The boys and I had a bit of a routine. Every morning before classes began, we'd meet up at my locker and have a quick chat. I'd usually be grabbing my books from my locker, then Malcolm would creep up from behind, cover my eyes, and make me guess who—unsurprisingly, I always got it correct. Elias would roll his eyes at the pair of us, though have a bit of a smirk on his face. And Andre would hand me the coffee that he picked up for me at the shop every single morning, no matter how much I insisted for him not to.

And so, on that very next Monday, I was surprised when the guys did not show up to my locker in the morning. Anxiously tapping my foot, I glanced down at my phone to look at the time.

"Where are they? Classes are gonna start any second now," I muttered to myself.

As if on cue, the bell rang. Chattering students began to walk through the halls and head over to their first period class. I lingered around until the halls were completely empty. Sighing to myself, I figured they simply must've been running late today. With that, I clutched onto my backpack and began to head to class.

Just as I rounded the corner of the hallway, I saw Elias, Andre, and Malcolm enter the school through the huge double doors. There was a fourth person accompanying them, and I did a double take, utterly flabbergasted to see that they were with Heather.

They were each laughing their heads off—well, minus Elias. What could possibly be so funny?

"Oh, hey Daisy!" Malcolm beamed when his blue eyes caught sight of my short figure. "Were you waiting for us?"

"Yeah, I—"

"Anyways," Heather cut me off with a sweet smile at the boys. "Once again, thank you for the ride, Elias."

Elias simply nodded, his face blank and emotionless.

"And, thanks for the coffee, Andre," Heather winked at Andre. "You're a lifesaver."

I frowned once I saw a cup of coffee in her hands. I looked at the name inscribed on the cup. It clearly read Daisy. Why was she drinking the coffee that Andre got for me? Before I could ask, Malcolm spoke.

"Hey, what about me?" Malcolm pouted.

"Oh, you know you're my favorite, Malcolm. Bring it in," Heather grinned.

She and Malcolm then performed a secret handshake, before each erupting into a fit of giggles.

"Anyways, I'll catch you boys later," Heather waved, before directing her eyes onto me with an unpleasant smirk. "Goodbye, Daisy."

I didn't reply, merely crossing my arms as she sashayed off. With that, I rounded on the boys.

"You gave her a ride to school?" I demanded.

"Yeah, we kinda had to. Her car broke down this morning," Andre said.

"Why couldn't she just walk? Or even take the bus? Actually, scratch that, her spoiled ass would never dare step foot on a bus," I muttered the last part to myself. "Anyways, how did you even know her car broke down?"

"She called me," Malcolm replied.

"Called?" I repeated in disbelief. "As in, she has your phone number?"

"Well, yeah. After you left during lunch last week, we all exchanged numbers." Malcolm replied.

"Careful with all the questions, D. One might think you're jealous," Elias smoothly spoke. I jumped, for I'd almost forgotten he was behind me with how unusually quiet he was being.

"Screw you, I'm not jealous," I stuck my tongue out.

"Yeah, screw you, she's not jealous," Malcolm stuck his tongue out.

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