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"For you, Becky. Pete sends his love. Inner courtyard -- he's there now."

Becky inspected the ribboned chocolate bar. "Huh. Coward, but he has taste. Fine, I'll take it," she said, reaching out.

"He looks sincere. You're meeting up with him this time, I take it?"

"Hm, maybe. So, why are you with Desmond? Isn't he supposed to be giving his friends a little pep talk?" Becky asked, flashing a playful grin.

"Oh, right. He insists that I am dating Pete because I received a chocolate from him when I am merely a messenger," stated Anya smugly.

"I-It's natural to infer that you're dating given the little context!" Damian defended.

"Ooooh... How easy it is to jump to conclusions. Bravo, idiot."

"Shut up," Damian retorted.

"Heh. Pete is courting Becky, not me. Clear? Anyway, I'm buying peanuts before heading to class." Anya left for the peanut stall, Damian following her with his gaze.


"So?" Becky said, her eyes piercing through like lasers.

"So what, Blackbell?" Damian turned to her.

"When will you finally ask her out? You've liked her since first grade, don't you? Don't you even deny it. Unlike my dear Anya who is oblivious, I am hypersensitive to anything romantic. And I see how you get in the way of the guys who dare court her, including your friends."

"W-Well, I don't think my friends think about her in a respectful way. I cannot tolerate such behavior."

"Especially toward your own crush, eh?" Becky's eyes sparkled.

"What? She's a classmate. A commoner acquaintance."

Just an acquaintance? Liar. She has helped me and given me sound advice ever since we've started here at Eden. Rather surprising, for a commoner; yet, a natural thing to do for a friend.

Becky nodded. "Still about your father's approval then? About time you start looking past social status. Like me, I don't give a damn what people think. Anya Forger — ever bubbly, adorable, brave, and caring – is my dearest best friend, and I'm proud of it!"

Proud... Damian's mind must be wrecked for he got stuck on that word.

"Unlike a certain stuck-up and arrogant descendant of some fancy surname. If only you were a better guy," Becky said while rolling her eyes at a glowering Damian. "Look, I know that  despite his pathetic traits, Damian Desmond cares for my best friend the way I do. And Anya has always looked after him so I know he's important to her, too. Seriously, I don't know what to do with the two of you. Just hook up already!"

His chest racing at her remark, Damian pocketed his tightened fists. The feisty and uber protective Blackbell is actually telling him to make Anya his girlfriend? Why doesn't she get it? How this rich and powerful heir does not give a damn about social status — a crucial part of Ostanian life and culture — is a wonder.

"You know what I think? Stop sticking your nose in someone else's business, Blackbell."

"Obviously, I can't. Not when it involves my best friend's romance which has been budding before my very eyes all this time — me at the front row seat, at that," Becky said dramatically, even pretending to wipe the sides of her eyes. "That's why I'm going to give you my expert advice." She stood, hands heavily landing on the table before Damian.

"For God's sake, Desmond. She's been trying to be your friend since forever. Do something about it. Be a little nicer. Grow up!"


Naturally Pretty • Damianya Time SkipWhere stories live. Discover now