For Real

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Damian fumbled to unclasp his cloak.

"Hold this for me!" Damian shoved his imperial cloak onto puzzled Anya. "Y-You... J-Just... Hold it, up, there! Like that!" Damian instructed, approving Anya's clutch that made the cloak cover the spill on her chest.

Don't get Damian wrong. Him looking at it was clearly an accident that deviated from his true intention of practicing kindness. In his defence, he totally tried to unsee it. After all, Desmonds are perfect gentlemen.

But here is a fact before his very eyes — the shortie has become a bombshell. As Ewen and Emile pointed out, while their classmates have already reached their peak "growth", Anya is still in progress. Her demeanor even is still kinda childish. Therefore, she's even more than this. Are commoners really delayed in their development?

"Uh, thanks. I'm borrowing this for a while, then," Anya told him, rearranging the cloak in front of her. "And uh, are you okay? You look troubled."

"I-I'm fine," Damian responded while pretending to check his watch to keep his face hidden. "We should get going."

"Right, about that. I guess you should go ahead without me, Sy-on boy. I need a quick trip to the restroom to clean this mess up."

"We have time, we can still go together. It's along the way," Damian scooped Anya's things from the table. "Go on, I'll bring these."

"Hmm, okay. If you insist."

Anya walked in Damian's side, admittedly to the boy's delight. He secretly matched her strides knowing it'll stretch the little time they have beside each other. After all, who knows when this fortunate coincidence would happen again? Well technically, he can opt to do this again tomorrow and the next day. A pity that he just can't, won't, shouldn't, and mustn't.


"You don't look snotty to me when you're not being a jerk, you know! I really hope you'd be like this to me all the time."

"Walk buddies?"

"Nah-ah. Friends."

"Huh. Never going to give up, are you?"

"Mhm! Never gonna give up on you, Sy-on."

Damian's heart skipped a beat. Darn, her words are making him hope for something beyond what she's asking. She should learn to choose her words carefully especially when speaking to guys like him!

"I-I'll think about it," Damian replied. Anya partly twirled to face him as she walked backwards.

"You've thought about it since we started school! I wanna have your answer when I come back," she patted his shoulder before hurrying to the loo. Damian stood a few meters away to prevent rumors.

Can't she tell that we're actually friends? Regardless of his unusual manner of interacting with her (which more often than not involves mocking and insulting), speaking sorries to his friends, the young scion has always considered Anya his closest friend. Maybe Blackbell's right — Anya is oblivious and he should be a bit nicer. Maybe it would not hurt to tell her that they are indeed friends.

But if he does, it won't be long before the whole Eden College knew; students, staff, and professors alike, they will all be flabbergasted.


After about 5 minutes, Damian heard a door creak.

"How was it in the Imperial Hall, Sy-on boy? Not missing your friends?" Already starting a conversation as soon as she got out, Anya lightly jogged as she approached the young scion.

"At first, but I'm used to eating alone so it didn't last long." Damian began his forward steps as soon as Anya took his side.

"It's still more fun to eat with someone."

"Hmmm, depends who."

"Yup! Don't worry, when I get my final stella, you will no longer be the only Imperial Scholar of Cecile Hall and your sad me-meals will be over!" Anya proudly reminded him of her stellas with a grin.

"So? Can you be friends with the commoner Anya Forger?"

"For a bolt magnet, you're pretty confident," Damian said. "How are you planning to earn your final stella? By playing hero? You see, you're more inclined to earn another bolt."

"You never know! I work miracles! I will find a way."

Damian chuckled at her optimism. "Well, first, realistically speaking, you should do well in the exams to get your final stella. Second, my mealtimes alone are not sad. Third, I don't think an annoyance like you will make it fun." He loved this banter.

Damian briefly glanced at the girl to check the reaction he was able to elicit. A pout has formed on her lips, her eyes getting sullen. Shoot, I made her upset. Damian felt his chest tighten.

"A-Alright, we can be friends," Damian said, scratching his cheek. If he has a weakness, it's Anya Forger crying.

Silence followed his declaration, making him worry. Damian turned to his side and another 90 degrees, realizing that Anya had stopped in her tracks a few steps behind him -- hands on her cheeks and a shocked expression on her face.

"F-F-For real?!!!" Anya finally blurted out. Damian pocketed his hands.


Anya joyously ran toward him, bouncing on her toes with a victorious expression. She raised her clutched fists triumphantly — silly but endearing.

"Finally, we're friends! I wanna cry!"

He knew she wasn't joking. Becoming his friend for the Forger girl was not an easy feat. He had pushed her away many times. Yet, she stayed, offering him encouragement in the most dire moments.

This lady just kept pushing to become part of his life unlike his family whose presence is close to nil.

He appreciates her so, so much he needed more of her in his life.

Does he also occupy a place in her heart?

"Quit your drama, peanut-head. You don't have to flatter me."

"Excuse your plump ego, scion! It took a decade for this to happen — you can't fault me for reacting this way!" She said, blowing her cheeks.


"Yeah, yeah. Rejoice, you're friends with a Desmond."

"I am! Promise me we'll be friends forever, Sy-on boy!" she told him with a bright smile in all her beautiful radiance.

It took the boy's breath away. Anya Forger is a spectacle in Damian Desmond's sight. Captivating simplicity. Effortlessly elegant. Naturally pretty.

"Yup. Friends forever."

"For real?!"

That's right. If he actually has a place in her heart, he gotta occupy it.

No one's taking her away. In the mighty Desmond name.

"For real."


Naturally Pretty • Damianya Time SkipWhere stories live. Discover now