03| Lot Of Things, But Ain't Stupid

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"Wha-what are you doing?" It was obvious that Taehyung panicked, his voice was ragged and thick, choking his arousal at how much he wanted this, even though he wanted to pretend he didn't.

"I'm going to sit and watch you get off." he lifted his hand pointing towards the brunette as he started to protest. "And we're both gonna enjoy every second of it"

The guy was confidence embodied, sleek, sexual, primal perfection. Taehyung's mouth watered just looking at him. Jungkook leaned back and laced his fingers across the waistband of his jeans as the brunette gulped thickly. It was so startlingly formal for a guy who looked the way he did, all rough and artfully wild.

"Right now? What, so I'm just supposed to start?"

"Looks like to me, you're ready to go... well, you were a second ago and no offense but you're throwing off vibes like whoa" he lets out a chuckle, nose scrunching. It was true, Taehyung had flagged in rebellion, he still couldn't believe this was happening, actually being watched and expected to get off, it took a second to assess the situation, which only led Taehyung to mass confusion. This was exactly what Taehyung had been trying desperately not to wish for and now the opportunity is sitting right in front of him like a gold trophy, fuck it, he thought. He wasn't going to wimp out, not this time.

"Just do what you do... just imagine I'm not here..." Jungkook suggested while getting comfortable on the couch, spreading his legs a little wider.

"Hah," Taehyung grumbled. 'Right, that's easy...okay'

Arching against the couch, Taehyung pulled his pants down his upper thighs, drawing a deep breath when his cock was exposed to the air, to him. But as soon as it was springing free, he glanced up to see Jungkook looking at him with evident, naked hunger, with a cold shiver his cock twitched. A shot of heat streaked through his dark orbs but didn't utter a word. God, if he was going to keep staring at him like that, it'd be the death of Kim Taehyung.

Wrapping his hand around the base of his cock, giving a squeeze before dragging up, shivering at the faint sting of dry friction. Taehyung felt his throat going dry, Jungkook wiggled a little on the couch, shifting and tilting his hips slightly, the erection pressing against his jeans forming a huge mound that Taehyung couldn't stop looking at.

"Fuck, you've got a nice one on you. Do that again." the throaty growl of his voice and the words he spoke had Taehyung stifling a groan, but he complied, squeezing the base hard and then tugging upward again with a hiss of pleasure, Taehyung was having trouble concentrating, the way his gaze was boring into him, and his dick was threatening to go soft under his intense gaze. Taehyung thought he should've put a porno on, or some other ambient noise besides the sound of his breath. Suddenly he was too aware of everything happening around him, especially Jungkook's stare at him, scratching what he said earlier- He was totally gonna wimp out.

"Fuck, this is stupid" Tucking himself away, Taehyung got up to go to the door so he could send Jungkook on his way, but Jungkook reached out and caught him by his hips, pulling him between his legs as he looked up at him.

"It's a lot of things but stupid isn't even close..." That raspy, sexy purr of sound pinned Taehyung where he was, his cock perked at the sensation of the raven's hands on him, the firm grip of his fingers, thumbs swept back and forth, steadying his nerves but doing some wicked magic to his libido.

"Hot. Sexy. Mouthwatering. Those are just a few..." Taehyung swallowed hard, frozen in place by the slow circles his thumbs made, Jungkook's fingers flexed slightly, his grasp on his hips adjusting so that the next time his thumbs looped around, sliding his hands under Taehyung's T-shirt and brushing the bare skin. Jungkook watched the brunette with hungry eyes, drowning in desire, but it was sedate, patient and prowling. "You need more?"

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