05| I'll Give It To You

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Monday passed and so did the whole week, half a week since he and Jungkook had sex. One night wasn't enough. Taehyung is probably worse than he'd been before. Because now he knows what it feels like to have Jungkook's hands on his cock, that sinful mouth and that fucking dick in his ass filling him to the brim. Jesus, Taehyung drooled just from thinking about it. He couldn't believe he let Jungkook do that, not just let him, he begged for it.

But the worst thing of all was that Taehyung desperately want to be fucked again, it's fucking his mind. Thankfully he passed his calculus exam, he went to the bar with Sungwon where he'd found himself looking for a hookup that would set him back, but nothing held his interest. No one gave a vibe like his. Taehyung hasn't gone out since then. He'd be in his room buried in his textbooks figuring if he was going insane.

Taehyung hadn't seen Jungkook in the dorms for a long time, whenever he could get a glimpse of Jungkook passing by he acted the same as he always had—polite, if superior. Oh, how much Taehyung expected something more, a wink or a smile that would make butterflies in his stomach, something, anything. But there was nothing as if nothing ever happened between them.

Jungkook did say he'd be down for another go, or else that's what he mentioned as 'anything else' but Taehyung didn't know how to approach the male. It threw him for a loop. The simple answer was to just lay it out straight, stop him in a hallway or something, and tell him what he wanted. But so far, every time Taehyung tried, he'd freeze or his throat would dry up stuck at his words and he ended up running away not facing the male.

He pushed the finished paper and the book report, grabbing another textbook to do his work. He came to finish his work in the massive library, four floors dead quiet. Taehyung always loved spending his afternoons after classes in the library, finishing his homework or studying. Sometimes he'd listen to music with his earbuds in.

Currently, he was listening to some Justin Bieber music scribbling down his notes, head slightly bulging to the beat, fully focused. The weather was trash, nothing but gray skies and downpours. He leaned back in his chair, inner palms rubbing his tired eyes unable to notice the male walking towards him.

"Jesus" Taehyung jumped the second Jungkook plucked one of his earbuds out.

"Sup, Sweet cheeks" Jungkook leaned in, a stupid grin across his lips, Taehyung's nerves jangled, his face turning to a glare at the nickname.

"Will you ever drop that?" Jungkook laughed at that as he pulled out the empty chair next to Taehyung.

"Can't help it when your flushed face comes to my mind, Sweet cheeks" Jungkook teasingly said, picking up the water bottle sat on the table, unknowingly Taehyung's gaze strayed to his throat, the lean lines the way his Adam's apple bobbed and he felt himself reflexively swallowing, the sight was mouth-watering. He grinned, capping the bottle, setting it back down, eyes observing Taehyung. Jungkook stretched his legs out in the chair, pushing back hips arching forwards as he dug into his jean pockets, withdrawing a sour lollipop.

"What are you doing here?" Taehyung asked, Jungkook popped the lollipop in his mouth, rolling it side to side a few times, setting it in one corner cheek bulging as he spoke.

"Taemin said you'll be here studying, I had to pick up some stuff on the way, figured I'd say hey."

"Well then, Hi." Taehyung forced his attention to his textbook, willing his dick to settle down, his hypersensitive state can't ignore the aural details of Jungkook's progress of going town on the lollipop, every soft smack and slurp, the sound of the candy rolling over his teeth. It was like Jungkook was doing it on purpose. The brunette's shoulders tensed at the crunching sound of Jungkook biting his teeth into the hard candy.

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