06| YES or No

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Typical Taehyung, what was he even thinking? That Jungkook would actually be there when he returned to their dorms. What was the point of him running back in the rain, all his excitement was thrown into the bin when the certain raven did not show up. Jungkook was missing, he didn't return home for the whole day. Taehyung waited and waited, he expected Jungkook would come around 11pm but nothing. He couldn't believe he let his expectations grow sky-high. There was no way Jungkook would come after him, what was he expecting. He groaned to himself walking to his bedroom, dropping his body onto the mattress. The silence surrounding him was unbearable with each second pass by. Groaning Taehyung kicked his feet against the end of his mattress, his screams of frustration muffled against the mattress.

God, fuck that dude. Just fuck him.



"Mmm..." Taehyung hums in his sleep, at the husky sound of his name spilling out of his mouth. That quirky smile of his was a half smirk, half smile, all bastard. His tattooed hand was moving downward to grab Taehyung's ass, gripping at the meaty flesh. Lustful gleam in his eyes. Taehyung hisses how tight the raven head's grip was, driving him, pushing him around as if he owned him.

"Yuh! Taehyung-ah!!" the jarring shake to his shoulder knocked Taehyung from the delicious dream. He looked around, still dazed from his sleep. He doesn't remember falling asleep from the previous night, then it dawned upon him; he was waiting for Jungkook.

"Get our ass up, Tae" Sung Won's voice was an unwelcome reality at the moment. Taehyung shut his eyes and tried to will the dream back to existence. At least in his dreams Jungkook came to him, and they about to—


"Ow!" Taehyung cried. His bum was burning with slight pain. He groaned as he rolled onto his back, slitting his eyes to peer at Sung Won staring at him with a frown.

"We're supposed to be at the setup, if you want a ride, you better get your ass ready. I'm leaving in ten." The fund-raiser for the local hospital, of course he forgot about that. Maybe he shouldn't have stayed awake waiting for Jungkook, who didn't even show up.

"You go ahead, I'll take the bus" Taehyung said, yawning and then burying his face back into his pillow.

"Or you could ask Jungkook to drop by when he comes"

"Jungkook hasn't come yet?"

"No, but he did say he'll drop by." Sung Won sighed. "Just don't be late, okay." He warns, Taehyung lowly hummed as Sung Won disappeared though the doorway. Taehyung stared at the void, his thoughts rewinding back to Jungkook and his dream about Jungkook railing him, to how his breath had ghosted across his lips from yesterday. He heaved out a sigh. His mind is only clouded with the memory of Jungkook and he wanted things right then, things he never expected he would want with Jungkook.

Like getting on his knees for him.

Or kissing him.

He bounced off his bed with a groan, dragging his ass down the hall to the shower. He found Taemin in the kitchen, sitting at the tiny table focused in a fierce stare with a plate of eggs and Oatmeal. He glanced up as Taehyung came into the room.

"Did I see you last night?" Taemin asked, squinting at Taehyung.

"I didn't go anywhere last night" Taehyung shakes his head as he replies. He examines the older male; he appears to be hungover. Maybe he went out with Jungkook? He didn't see the latter last night either. It's unusual to see him so hungover. In fact, Taehyung couldn't recall ever seeing Taemin drunk. With his track career being his top priority, Taehyung has only seen the older drink beer or typically stick to drinking water. Taehyung's thoughts were interrupted by Taemin who pushed his plate across the table in Taehyung's direction.

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