Vol.15 Ch.30: Copying Taurus's Strategy

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『An enemy Turret has been destroyed!』

With Lars joining the offense in Mid, the Mid Turret fell apart within moments.

And next, the group set their eyes on the Mid Golem, the Holy Grail. If they can demolish the Golem this early, then the game will be as good as theirs.

"So, may I inquire about our master plan?" Vincent asked. "Are we going to push forth all the way to victory? Or, is this merely a diversion that'll force the enemy to concentrate on Mid while we attack other avenues?"

"I've considered both options depending on how things play out," Yuel explained. "Even though we ran into a couple of obstacles, things turned out better than I expected overall. So, I believe it's optimal for us to continue pushing Mid right now. We can surely take down the Golem, at the very least."

"In other words, a straightforward assault! I see, I see." Vincent nodded repeatedly. "It appears we're about to reproduce Taurus' secret art!"

"Yes, I got this idea from that scrimmage," Yuel explained. "It worked out a little too well for them, making me wonder how efficient this strategy was in general. It wasn't easy to research and test it, but I believe I have sufficient understanding of when the tactic can work."

It was a super-risky, hyper-aggressive, and all-in tactic that most people would not even consider seriously. Even Yuel, who favored offense so much, didn't think of this risky Mid rush as a particularly viable strategy, definitely not for the competitive scene.

However, he changed his mind after he was hit hard by it during the Taurus scrimmage. As a fellow supporter of hyper-aggressive plays, the concept naturally intrigued him.

On paper, the power level of Turrets was designed for the mid-game, and the power level of Golems was balanced around the late-game. As such, the two structures were "overpowered" during the early parts of the game and it was next to impossible to take them down.

Nonetheless, players had the option to overwhelm these powerful structures via sheer numbers. When 3 or more players ganged up on a single objective, it was sometimes possible to even out the odds and match the tower's strength.

But of course, things were never that simple in Classmancers. The idea was nice but the execution was difficult.

It was impossible to simply gather the entire team in one spot on a whim, especially not during the early-game. The meta dictated that everybody should stick to their lanes during this part of the game, and straying from the meta was always something that should be done with great care.

Not to mention, this tactic required far more than just gathering the team together. In fact, that was arguably the easiest part of the operation.

Even if the whole team came together to push Mid, the push would easily be thwarted by just a handful of enemy defenders. After all, the Turret's power level was ahead of players' at this stage, so adding just a handful of defenders should suffice for deflecting the push.

The first big prerequisite for this tactic is momentum. Yuel concluded from his research.

He carefully examined all the circumstances that enabled Taurus to pull off such a risky play. On top of that, he found a handful of examples from the pro scene as well and researched those, too.

Yes, there were, in fact, examples of games like that in the pro scene as well. They were far and few between, and practically nonexistent in A-League.

Nonetheless, in C-League, there were a couple of aggressive teams that went for plays like this and succeeded. On the other hand, in B-League, this tactic was attempted a few times but it usually failed.

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