Vol.17 Ch.34: Ronald's Ghost Hunt

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Stratus built immense momentum after scoring the Double Kill in Mid, but the Leopards refused to yield to this one strong play. They kept deflecting all incoming attacks and even launched a few counterattacks of their own.

In particular, Winner went on a few savage hunts, as if in revenge for the humiliation in Mid.

『An ally has been killed!』

『An enemy has been killed!』

『An allied Turret has been destroyed!』

『An enemy Turret has been destroyed!』

The game went back and forth. Both sides were roughly equal in their performance. For each kill one team scored, the other team soon returned the favor. For every demolished allied tower, an enemy tower soon fell as well.

Despite starting the mid-game from a very disadvantageous position, the Leopards renounced nicely and held their ground. Their superb teamwork and oppressive defense made it difficult for Stratus to press home their advantage.

But, no matter how amazing the Leopards' performance was, it wasn't enough. Though they prevented Stratus from extending the lead, they couldn't close the gap Nia opened when mid-game started. Even now, Stratus was still leading by two kills and one tower.

W-We might actually win this! Nia gulped as she analyzed the stats screen for the hundredth time. The advantage I created is still here! It's carrying us! Hehe.

Not to brag or anything, but Stratus was pretty much winning thanks to Nia here. It was her awesome Double Kill that established this advantageous position.

Maybe I'm actually at the Leopards' level. Heck, maybe I'm even better! Nia snickered as she stealthily traversed through the jungle. She was a phantom who terrorized the entire enemy team!

The Leopards knew Nia was sneaky, but it was simply impossible for them to keep an eye on her 24/7. Stratus launched many bold attacks, so every now and then, the Leopards' minds wandered. And, that's when Nia struck!

Ok, let's see. Where should this pro Jungler rotate to next? Hehe. Nia giggled to herself. She felt untouchable within the depths of the jungle. Nobody would be able to find her inside this fog.

From here, Nia could safely launch an attack on anybody. She was capable of striking from anywhere and at any time, that's how pro she was. Or, so she thought.

But, as if to cut right through that conviction, a blade leapt at her from around the corner!


"Fouuuuund you!" Ronald cut off the sneaky Ninja's rotation before the girl could try anything funny. This sure took a damn while, but I've finally registered you!

Ronald slashed again as if to reaffirm the existence of the phantom in front of him. As expected, his blade struck home yet again.

VanishingFlower was definitely in front of him right now. Ronald could touch her with his blade, to rip her HP asunder.

Listen, girl. I dunno what's your deal, but I'm about to put an end to whatever that you're doing! Ronald promised. You've been giving bro and the team way too much trouble. It's time to end this!

Ronald activated Draconic Flame, unleashing a swing of fire. This was going to be his third hit in a row! WHISH!

Alas, the Ninja rolled on the ground. She dove underneath the flame attack just in the nick of time.

Meh, figured. Ronald shook his head. Of course you can dodge that much. After all, you're an opponent I bothered to register. So, you gotta be at least this good, right?

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