Vol.18 Ch.5: The Secret Boss

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"Everybody, heed my words, please!" Vincent dramatically stretched his arms. "I'd like to say a few words."

"Yo, what's up?" Lars asked. "You look all nervous and stuff, haha."

"Indeed, I shan't deny it," Vince said. "A certain degree of nervousness might, in fact, be infecting me at the present moment. Nonetheless! I shall pull through with this crucial task!"

"Well, go ahead then." Kai shrugged. She knew better than to entertain this guy's usual nonsense.

"As I have previously stated," Vincent started. "VanishingFlower performed greatly in the previous game, as did the rest of you. You bested none other than the regional champions, it's a tremendous feat!"

"Heck yeah!" Lars pumped a fist.

"However!" Vincent exclaimed. "Do not forget that the title our opponents possess is not just for show. They are the Leopards, trained by none other than the legendary Fernando Rodriguez!"

"Yeah, yeah, we know they're good," Kai said. "And?"

"Strong opponents always adapt, such is survival of the fittest," Vincent claimed. "Therefore, while you're celebrating your current achievement, our opponents are no doubt using this time to prepare for the next and final game!"

"Well, duh. Of course they are," Kai commented. "What's your point here, exactly?"

"My point is that we mustn't allow ourselves to forget our foes' superb skill," Vincent said. "In the next game, the Leopards will surely come at you all like never before! I'm certain they've learned from their mistakes and won't repeat them. As such, this will be the final boss battle!"

"Sick, yo!" Lars grinned.

"Scary..." Nia looked away.

"W-We have to do our best!" Ben said.

"Huh. Why does this feel like a roundabout version of something Yuel would say?" Kai glanced at the guy standing behind Vincent, who possibly masterminded this entire speech. That was probably his new way of throwing cold water at people.

It would've been way funnier if Yuel tried to say all of this himself. Kai chuckled as she imagined Yuel delivering the same kind of bombastic speech. It'd be a surreal scene.

I guess using Vince is not a terrible solution. Kai admitted. At least, this is better than being attacked with shit like "Don't let it get to your head."

Vincent continued praising the Leopards, selling them as a force to be reckoned with. Thanks to this approach, the team managed to stay happy about the recent victory, while simultaneously registering the next game as a difficult challenge. None of them was fooling themselves that the next game would be easy.

"And," Vincent continued. "When I said that the next game will be like a final boss, it was more than just an analogy. There might indeed be a secret final boss present in the upcoming game!"

"Say what?" Kai raised an eyebrow.

"Yo, what secret boss?" Lars's eyes lit up. "They got a secret player they haven't shown yet!?"

"Indeed, they do, or so our intel suggests," Vincent said. "For more details, I'd like to call Chessmaster to the stage." Vincent bowed and presented Yuel to the crowd.

"Thanks." Yuel stepped forward. This was a nicely prepared stage. He had the entire audience's attention right off the bat without having to work for it.

Vincent really did a good job, even better than I expected. Yuel admitted.

The atmosphere in the room underwent a complete overhaul in just a few minutes. The team remained in high spirits, yet the sense of celebration had mostly faded away. Instead, they were now brimming with a strong desire to fight hard, as well as curious about this foreshadowed "secret final boss".

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