Vol.18 Ch.45: Intellectual Blows

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"It was a nice match, wasn't it?" Cato asked.

"A little tiring to my taste," Yuel answered.

"My, is that so? Maybe you need to work on your stamina then~"

"Perhaps so." Yuel didn't have anything smart to say to that. There is some truth to that, I can't deny it. I'm sure we'll have a similarly exhausting experience against StormBlitz, so we have to improve on that front.

"By the way," Cato said. "Do you remember that cute assassination operation you arranged on Apprentece in Top? You know, the one where you sent a half-dead assassin on him while he was pushing."

"Who said it was my idea?" Yuel shrugged. The way Cato's question was phrased sounded like fishing. I'm not giving him any information for free.

"My, playing it hard to crack? I see." Cato smiled impishly. "Anyway, about that play which you clearly arranged. Remember that? It fell through quite pitifully, didn't it?"

"Sure, I won't claim it went smoothly."

"Right, right. And, it was all thanks to our Jungler being stationed nearby, wasn't it?"

"I suppose that played a crucial role, yes."

"Take a guess who ordered the Jungler to go over there~" Cato smiled from ear to ear, so the answer was so obvious. But, Cato's attitude was a bit annoying so Yuel didn't feel like cooperating.

"Who knows." Yuel shrugged. "Your entire team is overly defensive, so I wouldn't be surprised if the players just randomly place themselves in obscure positions and happen to intercept unpredictable attacks."

"My, you're not going to play along, are you?" Cato smiled wryly. "Well, let me enlighten you then: it was me. Yes, yours truly. I'm the one who predicted that unlikely gank and countered it beautifully!"

"Wow. And? Are you expecting applause or something?"

"My, playing it cool, aren't we? Still, I'm sure that play aggravated you nicely~"

"Not really." Yuel shook his head. "Honestly, I've almost forgotten about it until now." Of course, that was a lie. There's no way Yuel would forget one of the game's decisive moments.

We had a real chance to turn the game around with that gank. Yuel thought. I don't think the plan was bad, it even caught Apprentece off-guard. But, their Jungler being in the area was the thing that ruined everything...

As pompous as Cato was acting about all of this, in truth, he had every right to be proud of that call. Against any other team, stationing the Jungler near Top in that position would've been a waste of time, but that's precisely why it made sense to do it against Yuel.

Seems like Cato figured out that I like exploiting such unexpected angles. Thanks for giving me this valuable bit of information.

Cato's boasts revealed interesting information that was previously only in the realm of speculation for Yuel. It was always valuable to know to what degree the enemy shot-caller had figured Yuel out, so he'd know to adapt accordingly.

Or, maybe this is just another one of Cato's psychological attacks? Yuel wondered. Maybe he's trying to stress how much he has "figured me out" while in truth it was just a fluke. There's never telling what this guy is really thinking, so, I better take everything with a grain of salt.

"Well, that sure was a nice guess you made there," Yuel said. "Congratulations on winning the roulette for once."

"Thank you, thank you~ I really hit the jackpot, didn't I~?"

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