Vol.18 Ch.34: Jin's Next Destination

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Splendid, splendid~ Cato nodded in approval at Jin's performance in Mid. Though you're an unruly piece at times, I'm glad to see that you're nonetheless a loyal minion of mine, muhahaha!

Not only did Jin reclaim lane control in an instant, but he also forced Beat to burn all her MP. Essentially, he kicked her out of the lane without even fighting her directly.

In response, Vanishing showed up to defend the lane. She entered the lane right after Beat left, which implied she had been loitering around the lane the entire time, looking for an opportunity to gank. This proved just how dangerous Jin's stunt actually was. It was a miracle that he got away with just a scratch.

Not only did he kick Beat out, but he also chained Vanishing to Mid. Cato smiled impishly. Ah, how beautiful~ Step by step, we're cornering them. It must be quite suffocating, isn't it, Yuel~?

The Leopards were already assured of winning this game, but Cato wanted to drive the point home even harder. After all, for the regional champions, it was disgraceful that they failed to secure victory by their own power. They weren't supposed to rely on Jin against anybody from this region, not even StormBlitz.

Alas, Stratus forced their hand. So, since Jin was already here, he should deliver a slow and painful death~

"Jin, do you mind rotating to Bot next? Pretty please?"

"Do I have to?"

"It'll be a huge help if you do," Cato said. "Mid-game is right around the corner, so it'll be awesome if we start it with lane advantage across the entire map."

"At this rate, we might lose Top because I'm not there."

"Don't worry, Will can handle Top while you're away. Right, Will?"

"I'm on it," William reported on his way to Top. Sigh. Honestly, I'm not a fan of this arrangement but it should be more optimal for the team overall.

In a way, Jin was taking Willaim's role as the Jungler by rotating between lanes. What's more, he also replaced the laners over there and even did a better job than them.

It's almost like he's playing the entire game by himself. Jin thought. Cato is playing make-believe here if he thinks he's controlling Jin in any shape or form.

It wasn't an exaggeration to say that this entire game was in Jin's palm. He could single-handedly steer the game in any direction he wanted.

So, I'm surprised he even bothered to rotate to Mid. Normally in a situation like this, he'd just keep pushing Top and try to win ASAP.

Perhaps the fact this was an official game made Jin play more cautiously than usual. There was that whole talk about him being scouted to the pro league if he could lead the team to victory at the nationals, so maybe that's why he was a tad more cooperative than usual.

Either that or even Jin started recognizing Startus as a threat.

Nah, I doubt it. William shrugged. He barely recognizes anybody's potential in our team, so I doubt he cares about anybody from Stratus. Though, he almost got killed once in this game.

Vanishing's ballsy gank in Top almost became Jin's undoing. If that girl just played a little better, she should've been able to score a kill.

I would've gotten that kill in her shoes. William asserted. Then again, I doubt I would've been willing to go for such a risky gank in the first place.

That gank was crazy and reckless by any measure. It was the very definition of insanity. But, perhaps that's the kind of extreme measures needed to topple the cocky Korean player.

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