Vol.16 Ch.24: Exercising Caution Against AbsoluteChallenger

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"Don't do anything stupid while I'm away," William warned his younger brother on his way out of the lane. "I know you probably want to challenge that DK, but don't."

"Of course not, bro~" Ronald promised but his eyes glinted like those of a hungry beast. He clearly wanted to challenge the powerful opponent in front of him.

That quirk of his is such a double-edged sword. William sighed.

On one hand, the more eager Ronald was to fight, the greater his power grew. On the other hand, that very same eagerness sometimes pushed him toward committing terrible mistakes.

Well, I'll just have to trust him to play it safe. William shrugged. He got burned multiple times in the previous game, so I'm sure that taught him a lesson or two. Probably.

William departed from the lane with that doubt still at the back of his mind. Now, will his brother live up to his trust...?

Okay, bro is out! Ronald grinned. Time to tackle this DK!

This was an awesome opportunity to have some fun, so there was no way in hell that Ronald would miss it! Memer himself wasn't that strong of a player, but his power grew tenfold with DK. So finally, a worthy opponent! Their battle will be legendary!

At least, that's what I'd LIKE to do. Ronald stopped himself. I probably gotta keep these thoughts to myself for now. These guys proved they're pretty decent, so that changes everything.

Until the previous game happened, Ronald saw Stratus as a weakling team that he could stomp with his eyes closed. This was in line with how the previous scrims played out, where all opponents were F-tier at best.

It seemed like all these boring experiences made Ronald develop a bad habit. He stopped registering his opponents as a real threat and started messing around to entertain himself. That occasionally caused him to overextend and mess up, but frankly, he didn't care.

I mean, those teams were just BAD. I don't even remember their names. Ronald shook his head. But, Stratus seems to be different. These bruhs know what's up, so I gotta respect them. At least a little. A tiny bit.

And so, Ronald stayed his hand and didn't challenge that juicy DK. As much as he wanted to duke it out with a Dark Knight, it was easy to see how risky and unnecessary it was.

I better focus on destroying my actual lane opponent once he returns. It should be happening during this next wave, right? Let's wait.

Like a predator lying in wait for easy prey, Ronald stayed at the back and monitored the incoming minion wave. As expected, InformationBlackhole was leading that gang. Respawn timers were super short in the early-game, so bruh was already back in commission.

"I have arrived," Vincent announced. "You're relieved of your duty, Meme Jedi. Thank you very much for your support."

"No problem, man." Luke headed to the exit. "It's partially my fault you ended up like that, so no biggie."

"I do not believe any of the blame lies with you, but I suppose we shall discuss this in further detail during the inevitable match review."

"Oh yeah, that shit. Fun..." Luke shuddered at the mere mention of it. The previous scrim review was so long and exhausting, and that was for a match that they convincingly WON. So, how bad will this scrim's review be? Oh boy...

Luke shook his head super hard to dispel the depressing thoughts. Instead of thinking about that dystopian future, he focused on heading deeper into the jungle.

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