Chapter 5

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Time skip after school...
Tae was waiting for the kids in parking area. Tae saw both of them coming towards him.
Mina: eomma.... (hugged tae & tae hugged n kissed her)
Gguk came and hugged tae.  Tae just gave him a light hug and backed away. Gguk felt unusual as tae kiss him whenever he comes to pick him up. Gguk noted tae's little puffed face due to crying. Gguk felt guilt.
Tae: both of u get in.( checked both of their seatbelts)
The whole drive mina was talking and giggling with tae. Gguk tried to talk but tae didn't give that much attention to him.
After sometime they reached their house.
Tae told both of them to get changed. Tae served some fresh strawberries to them but didn't told them anything rather than asked to hav it. Gguk didn't liked this tae. Mina kept talking with tae where he is listening to her interestingly. Usually he'll ask gguk about his day wat he talked and all other stuffs. Tae is completely hurt from gguk’s words.
Tae asked both of them to do their school work. Mina went but gguk was there still expect tae to ask him something. Tae came and asked gguk to go to their study room.
Gguk was looking at tae ,without telling anything tae took guk's plate which still has some but he jus looked at gguk and went.
Gguk: Eomma... Give me that , I haven't eaten it completely yet. Eomma!!!(whinning)
Tae didn't listened to him. He left to the kitchen leaving whinning gguk alone. Gguk followed tae to the kitchen n started a convo..
Gguk: Eomma... Today In sch..
Tae: U don't need to explain anything. U go n do watever u want.
Gguk went to their room with sad face n teary eyes.
Time skip during dinner,
Today Jk came early than past 2 weeks. Tae heard his car sound but didn't gave much attention to it. Jk rang the door bell but to his surprise no one came to receive him. Jk went in with a spare key n saw tae was there but didn't came to receive him with his usual boxy smile.
Mina: APPA.......(jumped on jk, jk catched her & mina started to kiss jk)
Jk: u missed appa that much?(pecked mina)
Mina: yes so..... much.
Jk noticed gguk was only around tae but tae wasn't giving attention to him which is unusual, and busy in making the dinner. Gguk was sulking just like kook. But to surprise tae didn't received him. He just went to kitchen.
Jk: Tae I came...(hugged tae from back)
Tae: oh u came go n get freshen up.
Tae removed jk's hand and went to arrange dinner. Tae called mina n gave her a small bowl to carry it the table.
Gguk: Eomma... Give me one too. I'll also help.
Tae: No need. There isn't much. I don't want to disturb anyone. U go n sit.
Jk frowned and went to their room. Jk felt something unusual in atmosphere of their home. He came back after getting freshend. Tae served everyone. Dinner was silent as unusual. Mina only kept talking with everyone where jk and gguk expecting tae to talk them as tae usually ask jk abt his work n meeting in dinner. But he only served and asked them to eat.
Mina: Eomma tomorrow also will u come early for lunch???
Tae: y baby???
Mina: Today I enjoyed more eomma. Eomma tomorrow also will u make kimchi fried rice(sulking)
Tae: But y? today only I made that.
Jk: Today u made kimchi fried rice(shocked). Then y u didn't bring me baby?.
Tae didn't said anything. And asked mina to say why?
Mina: Today I only ate little my friends ate bcus it was tooooo gooood. Eomma pls bring more...(showing her puppy eyes)
Tae(chuckled): ok baby I'll make.
Jk & gguk: we too want that tomorrow.
Tae eyed at gguk and didn't said anything. Gguk lowered his head.
Then the dinner went with different atmosphere than usual. Tae didn't forced gguk eat anything.
After dinner,Tae was washing dishes jk came and back hugged him.
Jk: y u didn't came to bring me the lunch(kept his face on tae's shoulder)
Tae: I don't want to waste anyone's precious time. That's y (jk frowned)
Jk: ok tomo u bring it rgt?
Tae: Let's go to sleep.
Tae pushed away jk's hand n went to gguk’s room and started to arrange everything there to sleep. Jk followed tae to Gguk's room.
Jk: baby wat r u doing here in this room?
Tae went to their shared room.
Tae: Gguk u can go and sleep in ur room now onwards.
Jk: y so suddenly. He'll sleep with us right?
Tae: No he's growing kook he need to practice sleeping alone. If u want u can sleep with him. Me n mina will sleep here.
Gguk: eomma. I'll also sleep here.
Tae looked at gguk, gguk hung his head low.
Jk noticed that something is off btw gguk n tae. Little did he know is that he also messed up.
Jk and gguk went to gguk’s room. Jk tried to make gguk sleep but he slept before gguk. Both missed their family night time. Gguk missed his eomma's warmth for sleeping. After sometime he also slept.
After making mina sleep tae went to gguk room and kissed gguk's forehead ,caressed his hair, covered them properly and went back to sleep.
Next day morning they followed the same routine.
Unusually gguk didn't get any compulsion from tae to eat. As usual mina kept talking making taekook coed at her. After breaky jk called tae upstairs
Jk: Tae I need help in this(showing his tie to tae, tae took and started to do the tie)
Jk was starring at tae but tae only concentrating on tie. Jk pulled tae by waist and started to kiss him.
But he was shocked when tae didn't responded. Usually tae will be the one making it but it's odd now.
Jk: Baby y r u not responding?
Tae(backed away): I don't want to waste anyone's precious time rather than a mere kiss. Come down I'm going it's getting late.
Jk was totally confused with tae's behaviour. Jk got ready he also went down.
With that tae called mina and gguk after getting them ready. Gguk was waiting at the doorstep for tae to kiss him. But tae only kissed mina.
Tae(to gguk): y r u waiting here? Go it's getting late u can go early today.
Mina: Eomma... u come early today. I'll want to show u something.
Tae: ok baby I'll come don't worry(smiled at her)
Gguk: Eomma... gimme my kiss.
Tae: Mina it's getting late. Come.
Gguk was at verge to cry as he misses his eomma's care. Gguk felt bad for wat he said abt tae sterday n starts to feel feared od losing tae's care. They bid bye and tae went to do his remaining work.
Time skip...
Around 11 a.m. tae got call frm jk to bring some file frm his home office. Tae took that file and lunch for mina and went to office.
Tae went to jk's office.
Jk: oh u came. Was it difficult to find?
Tae: no. He handed the file over to jk.
Tae: ok. Then I'm leaving.
Jk: y this early tae. U didn't bring my lunch?
Tae: that's what u want right?. Now I'm doing that.
Jk: wat r u saying...(before he could complete his words tae left from there)
Jk(in mind): what's happening with him?
Tae directly went to school. He waited there for sometime for mina to arrive.
Mina: EOMMA ...... u came early. Mina happy(she hugged tae tightly). Eomma close ur eyes.
Tae: y baby?
Mina: I told u right. Please close ur eyes i have a surprise. Ok now open ur eyes.
Tae opened his eyes to see Mina holding little flower in her hand and a beautiful smile on her face. Tae smiled and got the flower from her and kissed her cheek.
Tae handed her lunch box. Mina excitedly got from him.
Mina: wowww.... Eomma today also u made it. Don't worry I'll finish it fully.(Tae coed at here)
Tae: Mina can u go n tell oppa to have lunch from school.
Mina: y eomma?
Tae: ur oppa likes ur school food thats y.
Mina: oh. Ok eomma wait. I'll back(she ran from there).
Mina met gguk who is waiting for tae to bring lunch for him.
Gguk: oh mina. Y r u here? Did eomma came?
Mina: hmmm... he asked me to tell u to eat in school as u like it(smiled at gguk)
Gguk run to the place where tae was waiting but tae was not there.

To be continued...

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