Chap. 15 •Suspension•

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" Permission granted, we'll provide back up if needed" Answered Maskmana and the gang went to the hanger of the ship.

"Eh- Where's BoBoiBoy?" Asked Gopal.

"Haish, Where did he go!?" Shout Ying.

"Hm, Lets think about that later, we have bigger problems right now" Said Yaya.

" Shadow Tiger!" Fang summoned his tiger and made it attack the robotic aliens.

" Eheheh~ prepare to falter under the great Mighty-"

"Jeez just shoot already Gopal!" Ying cut his sentence.

"Tsk! Why would I listen to you?- AHHHH AMMA APPA!??! FOOD TRANSFORMATION!!?" He said as he got chased by a few mini robots.

"Seriously, just focus and transform them all" Said Fang.

Meanwhile with BoBoiBoy

" Are you sure she's not the real one? "

" Of course! Cattus and bell-bot are with motobot and the others, It's impossible for them to get captured" Said BoBoiBoy while sneaking into the enemy's control room.

" Well please be careful, Why did you call me anyways?"

" You can teleport things right? I need you to teleport me out after I do something" He said going closer to the monitor and clicking a few buttons. " Aha! Give me a coordinate that's very far"

" Uhm... Why?"

" Haiz, you know what..." He then clicked some random buttons. "When I say go, I need you to teleport every bad guy that ever step foot in our spaceship and transport them here".

"Huh- what about you?"

"Well.. if your energy isn't drained yet then, You will teleport me back to our ship".

" Your not planning to-"

" Now! " BoBoiBoy clicked the button and the book activated it's power teleporting everyone of the enemy's crew back in the ship and they vanished.

With the gang.

" I swear once I see that boy I'm gonna smack the daylight out of him! Super Speedy Kicks! Over to you Yaya! " Said Ying.

" Gravitational Pull-! Eh? " Suddenly all the minions that were trapped in Yaya's gravitational pull vanished and so did their ship!

The gang regrouped and went back to the control room or the main dock .

"What happened?" Asked Amato.

" We don't know admiral, We were just fighting them and then they just... Vanished!" Explained Fang.

"Vanished?" Repeated Mechabot and the gang nodded. "Hol' up! Where's BoBoiBoy?"

"Huh?" The gang looked around. " We don't know, we haven't seen him since the attack" answered Fang.

" Wait...when he called he said he wanted BoBoiBoy to surrender himself...It's as if.. " Said Ying.

"... They planned everything! " Added Yaya.

" Kaizo, I want you to get the coordinates to that ship now. Papa Zola head straight to Tapops Station " Commanded Maskmana.

" To Tapops? Aren't we gonna go straight to BoBoiBoy's location? " Asked Gopal.

" No, We need to discuss this to the others first. " Answered Amato.

At Tapops.

(Control room)

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