Chap 24 •An Old Foe•

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"... I think I might know who he is.. "

" What are you doing here..!? "

" Fang..? " BoBoiBoy mumbled. Everyone was shocked to see him, But Kaizo quickly got angered on why he interfered and shouted. "Pang!" Why was he doing this? He's embarrassing him.

"Don't you guys want to know who he is?" He asked them, Crossing his arms while going forward. He stood beside BoBoiBoy and started to whisper something to him. The other people in the room were confused as they watch BoBoiBoy's eyes widen like he was shocked, And then he smiled, as if trying not to laugh, And finally his smile was back again.

"So... You think it's him?" He asked. Fang nodded and raised two fingers. "I'm sure about it. I've been studying his moves and techniques. It's the same" he added

" Ehem. Mind filling us in? " Interfered Tarung. The two boys looked at each other. "It's kinda a long story admiral, " explained Fang. "But it only took you a few minutes to tell, Him" He looked at Boboiboy. " Well... I kinda already know the half of it"

"but I do agree, you should tell them, fang. Maybe then we'll be able to figure out how to capture him" he added. Fang look at him and then to his seniors. He let out a long sigh and finally gave in. "Alright... It all started when.."


It was maybe 8-9 years ago. Two little boys were playing in the stations daycare. "Nwo! That not how you do it!" One said taking away the blocks from the other. "Wha, Then how??" The other asked Curiously.

"Ish like thwis!" The purple one guided the other to the block tower and placed the extra block on top. " We make this big!" He exclaimed. The orange was in awe, It was like , It was his first time seeing a huge block tower. " Woah, Yu build this?" He asked.

The purple one put a smug expression on his face while posing. " Of cwouse! I AM the legendary space rebel's Little brother!" He boasted. "My brothers the best hero there is!"

The one in orange looked at him in awe. Eyes shimmering. "Woah! Me too! My dad is also a hero!" He said joyfully. "Wat?? Which hero?" The purple one asked curiously. "Hehe, Is MechAmato!"

"Waaaaahhttt???? He's your dad??" He asked the orange leaf curiously. "Hehe! Awesome right?" He said as he did his awesome pose. "Oh! Oh! I saw some ketupats in the kitchen. Come one Mr. Eggplant!!" He said pulling the other. "Woy! Who are yu calling eggpwant?? Stap dragging me, You Orange head!!"

"Eh! Ayah said eggplants are nice! How come ur mean?" He asked coming to a stop. " Heh. Your very stupid?" Although it didn't seem like a he said it causally, It's like it was a question.

"W-woi! You can't say that!! That's bad!" Said Mr. Orange. " Hah! I don't care. My brother says it all the time! It means I'm cool" Mr. Eggplant said while draaging orange.

"Ish! Ish! Ish! You are gonna get in trouble~!" Orange teased. "Shat up"

While walking to the kitchen, An alramed blaired so loud that they had to cover their ears. They went to a storage room since they were being pushed around like nothing. "Wats going on??" Orange asked. " I think someone intruded. My bwother always tell me that, 'If attacks like this hawpen, I need to go hide and/or Never come back!"

"Eh! Now that's stupid! You need to help them, not leave them!" Yelled orange. "Shh! Were hiding!" Eggplant quickly put a hand over his mouth, shushing him. "mh, Mmmhm mmhm (oh, I'm sorry)" he apologized.

The two kids hid, But not for long. Well- Not until the door opened.

"My~ My~ what do we have here?~"

"Huh?" The two boys hesitated to turn but after mustering up the courage, they turned around and met with a man wearing a strange mask. They looked at the man Infront, Shocked. Until finally Mr orange pushed the man with all his strength and yelled. "Run!! Follow me!"

The two boys ran and ran, Hoping to find someone. But to their luck, everyone was nowhere to be found. He led his friend somewhere, Across corridors. Passing by, room by room. Until finally, they reached a work shop. In an instance, He took his friends hand and places his hand on the door. The door identified his hand, and quickly opened. With out waiting any longer, He went inside and closed it. Locking it.

"Eh, Where are we?" Mr. Grape asked. "This is ayah's work room, We can stay safe here!" Answered mr. Orange. "Safe? Are you sure?" Grape asked, worried. "Ofcourse, Only me, ayah and uncle Mechabot can come here-" but before he finished his sentence, the door suddenly emitted a loud sound. They looked to where it was and saw a dent. The man was using force to break it!

(It's fang! Not Grape!. -Fang)

"Uhm, are you sure no one could get inside?" Gr-Fang asked. "I- I think so, But just to be sure" BoBoiBoy ran to the desk and put on an orange watch. "what's dat?" Fang asked. "Oh, well it's a watch" answered BoBoiBoy. "I know, It's a watch. But does it do anything?"

"Oh, Well yeah. Ayah said 'It could control waves. The waves require medium, but since people don't have medium it will suck on your energy' or something" BoBoiBoy said rethinking. "waves?Like water waves?" Fang asked.

"Noo-" his words were cut off as the steel door went flying and almost hitted fang. "Oh no!" Said BoBoiBoy as he came to help fang. "who knew, Little brats like you are so annoying." The masked man said getting closer.

"Don't! Come close!" Warned BoBoiBoy. "What's this? Acting tough?. Your MechAmato's kid aren't you? Your as annoying as your father." He said as he did a gesture and made BoBoiBoy float up. "Eh!!?!" Fang exclaimed watching his friend fly. "You can fly!?"

"N.. No! Run fang!" BoBoiBoy said as he was repositioning his arm. "Mn!" Fang nodded and sped out, Using his mask that his brother gave him, he dodged the attacks the were sent for him. "You little brat!" The man tightened the spell on BoBoiBoy making the boy almost cry. As a tear fell down, the watch he was wearing suddenly beamed and released a wave. Almost like a sound wave as it protected the child.

"What the hell!?" The man yelled as he tried to get close, only to be pushed back away. "damn it. Stupids kids." Was the last thing BoBoiBoy heard until his eyes went dark before finally passing out.

Rushed, cringe chapter that I think i should've put a warning on the top. Anyways, I wasn't on my right mind making this so have  I hope you had fun cringing <3 (ehem. Wrong grammar cuz I had no time to check. Srry :])

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2023 ⏰

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