Chap 16 ·Intruder Alert•

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" I summoned you guys out, so I can Atleast cure my boredom, not for you guys to lecture me!" BoBoiBoy crossed his arms and looked away. " And this is the mighty hero that defeated the legendary elemental master?" Thunder and Solar said sarcastically. "Hey!" BoBoiBoy said offended.

"Oh! Oh! who wants to play Monopoly?" Suggested Thorn. " Me! " " Me too" " Me Three!" "Whatever." "Your such a buzz kill thundy" said Cyclone.

Time 7:43 pm.

" There's NO WAY, You won. You've been winning these past few rounds! You must've used your power!" Complained Cyclone. Holding two more uno cards.

"Pfft- you just suck." Said thunder , it was like it's his millionth time winning, And Cyclone wasn't wrong, he was using his powers from time to time to see what cards they were holding.

" Uh, haha. Maybe we should merge back now, Ori?" Quake looked at his master who was staring out the window.

"Huh? Oh yeah, sure.. Cantum Semula!" He lifted his right fist up and his elements glowed before returning to the watch.

BoBoiBoy sighed and went to the door to try and see if it was still locked, To his surprise it opened. Although when he opened he bumped into someone which made him fall back.

"Huh?" He looked up to see Tarung and Kokoci. "Admiral? Commander?" He looked at them confused.

"Trying to go somewhere?" Tarung gave him a smile, which was creepy. Yes it's past seven but, the admiral looks scary, even in his nice form. BoBoiBoy stood up and brushed off some dust. " Ah yes, I was gonna go to the cafeteria, I'm kinda hungry".

"Oh right, your food. Some staff will give it later, for now... We need to confiscate your watch. " BoBoiBoy looked at them shocked. " So please cooperate and give it to us" added Tarung. No way... Him?....Give his watch... To them? ... Are they insane?... What if they take it away from him forever...?... What if they hand it to someone else... What if they lose it!... They must be crazy if they think he'll give it to them.

"Uhm, your kidding right?" He chuckled as he asked them, but the look on their faces were serious. BoBoiBoy stopped as his smile faded away. " You guys might be crazy if you think I'll give it to you." He said coldly and held his power watch.

"BoBoiBoy, just please cooperate. This is for the safety of you and me." Explained Kokoci.

"Oh really? How, tell me. How!? How is it safe for you and me? Maybe if you explain then I'll give it to you." He sent a glare at them, Thunder was urging to take over. "...." When he heard no answer he crossed his arms and looked at them. "Please... Just get out." He looked towards the door.

"Just please cooperate -"

" Just please. Get out. While I'm still being nice." He sent another glare at them. The two could only Sigh and get out of the room. Once the door was locked again, BoBoiBoy sat down and curled up. Soon tears started to form, as he remembered the time where he and his elemental brothers got separated, all because of that noseless monkey. "Just... Calm down BoBoiBoy... You won't let that happen..." He whispered to himself repeatedly.

" Master.. where are you?? Master-"

Somehow the book felt pity. It was unusual to see his master like that, he must've missed something. He went closer, he wanted to do it now but... He needs to wait a few more days or possibly weeks. " Master...? Are you okay? " It asked worriedly.

" Oh... I'm fine, My eyes just got dry, so... Uhm, I should probably just take a bath, Brb...! " BoBoiBoy forced a smile and quickly shut the bathroom door.

"You are so bad at lying. But it's all part of the process. I'm sorry you have to go through all of this but, It's the only way to achieve him."

Soon the book heard some knocking and notified Boboiboy. After a few minutes, BoBoiBoy opened the door and took his food in. BoBoiBoy sat on his mini study desk and removed everything that was there and put his food, after that he went to his bed and just stared at the ceiling for a few minutes until he fell asleep.

Meanwhile in the dark creepy hallways, were full of guards. There was a man, who had a cape and a mask on, he also had a letter 'Z' on his belt, who was walking while holding a little feline. But every guard he passes by, suddenly black out. He start to notice the sudden dissaperance of the guards and start to panic. At some point he suddenly felt someone behind him, so while hesitating a little bit he turned around only to see no one. He turned around again and saw Dark purple eyes, staring right into his soul. And with out waiting for another moment, he let out a loud girly scream before getting knocked out.

The next day, BoBoiBoy woke up, Took a bath, Ate some breakfast brought by his loyal assistant (Mr book) then came quickly to the control room. Commander Kokoci called him and told him to come quick-which he did- cause it was important? He wasn't sure. But he swears if it's another stupid proof, he'll literally blow the station to bits ... Okay maybe... Not..

He walked inside and, He got the stares... Again. He went to Ochobot's side and waited for their commander to talk. Kokoci cleared his throat and looked at Papa Zola who was petting Cattus on his lap and signalled him to start talking.

" Oh yeah, ehem. As I, Your Teacher and Captain of Justice, Was walking around the halls full of guards trying to find the bathroom, when suddenly... All the guards that Justice passes by suddenly fall flat on the ground! And when justice felt a presence behind him, I took no time and turned around bravely! But- no one was there. So justice turned back and saw Dark creepy purple eyes staring into Justice's soul, and Before justice knew it. He passed out!" Explained Papa Zola. Also making himself sound brave, rather than what had really happened.

" To cut it short. We have an intruder in the station, and Maskmana and the others are already looking for him." Said Kokoci.

"Eh? Admiral is still here? Why?" Asked Gopal while scratching his head. "Well, their ship is still in repair remember?" Said Yaya.

"Anyways. I want you guys to split into groups and help the search team." Said Tarung. BoBoiBoy raised his hand and Kokoci gave a nod to him. "Am I also gonna join the search team?" He asked. "Unfortunately No. You are still in bed rest" asnwered Kokoci. " Then why am I called here? " He asked. " To let you stay informed. Now if no one has anymore questions, you can go back."

BoBoiBoy went back to his room and shut the door. He sat on his bed and sighed deeply. " Jeez, I've been so tired lately.." he mumbled. He slept so well last night, yet he feels like he hasn't slept for days.

"Oh masterr"

" Looks like someone's in a good mood.." BoBoiBoy said while yawning. He looked at the book which seemed like it was dancing, he stretched his arms and waited for the book to talk again. "What are you so happy about?" He asked.

"Well... Do you know the Earth dragon the you got a few days ago?" It asked which BoBoiBoy nodded. " Well , I found another one—! Well I found it's location, but I don't know what type of element it is."

"Oh that's good, maybe we can find out what type of element it controls when I get out of bed rest" said BoBoiBoy feeling a little bit interested.

" But maybe if I had to guess... I think it's the Lightning Dragon "

" Lightning Dragon? Why? " BoBoiBoy asked confused. Out of all the dragons why would it be the second strongest?. No offense to his other elements though. Their all strong, in their own way.

"Well... You did get your elements one by one right? So, Earth, Lightning, Wind, Leaf, Fire, Water, and Light. Right?"

"Uh... Actually... It's Lightning, Wind, Earth, Fire, and water... And then when my watch reset it was, Lightning, Wind, Earth, Leaf, Fire, Water, and then Light" BoBoiBoy explained.

"What?? Then you should've gotten the lightning dragon first, wait I need to rethink it, I must've forgot"

" Sure, take your time" the book vanished which left BoBoiBoy alone again, not like he had company anyways, the only ones who come to visit are Ochobot, and Mechabot, so it was really boring. But sometimes the power Sphera's would come and entertain him... How you ask? They go through the vents and straight to the boy's room.

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