Chap 17 •Missing•

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" Sure, take your time" the book vanished which left BoBoiBoy alone again, not like he had company anyways, the only ones who come to visit are Ochobot, and Mechabot, so it was really boring. But sometimes the power Sphera's would come and entertain him... How you ask? They go through the vents and straight to the boy's room.

After that, the attack kept happening for nights, Guards keep falling sleep, stuff put out of place, power Sphera's in the wrong charging ports, Cameras broken, rooms messy, staff disappearing, and random clues to which the intruder left. It went on for how many days until... One night.

" Stupid stove!" BoBoiBoy cursed as he was finding a band aid. While cooking, he accidentally burned himself which kinda left a scar on his hand. "Where are the band-aids?" He asked himself rummaging through some stuff. After a few minutes, he finally found some, but because of the mess he made on trying to find a band-aid, he suddenly tripped over something and fell down, butt first.

"Oww" he scratched his bath and stood up.

"Master, are you okay?"

"What does sit look like? I clearly burnt myself!" Said BoBoiBoy, not realizing the almost burnt up book beside him. "Oh, well that books gone". Said Spyros and BoBoiBoy turned to his side to see an almost burnt up book. He looked at it confused. "How did I get burned from the stove but not from Blaze's Fire?" He asked.

"Maybe their different types of Fires." . "So, the stove is much more stronger than, His fires?" He asked again. "I- no, I didn't mean that. Why don't I get a first aid kid, so you can aid your wound". BoBoiBoy thought for a moment before answering. " That's a good idea, and maybe get a bowl and fill it up with water, and Some ice. "You got it."

After a few more minutes, the book came back. "So, did you get it?" BoBoiBoy asked. "Nah, couldn't find one" . "What? What about the clinic? Or the medical room?". BoBoiBoy asked with a raised eyebrow. "Your friends were there" .

"Really? What were they doing there??" BoBoiBoy asked curiously. "I think they just got done with their mission" . BoBoiBoy made an 'oh' face before lying on his bed. "You will get off bed rest soon". BoBoiBoy stared at it shocked. "How did you know what I was gonna ask??!" He asked it. "It's obvious, and besides, I told you I could read minds, remember? Now go sleep"

"Im not a kid but, whatever, Goodnight."

In the middle of the night.

" Finally, we can rest! " Exclaimed Gopal. They just got out of the clinic and are planning to have a little sleep over at the girls dorm. Since it was bigger and more spacious. They kept chatting until they felt like being they were being watched. So they stopped for a moment and looked around. Once they saw no one, they continued to walk and talk until they felt it again.

"Okay! We are DEFINITELY being watched." Fang pointed out the obvious. " Come out. We know your watching us" Said Yaya. A figure emerged from the darkness, it had big wings, he was a bit shorter than them, and his face was unseen because of how dark it was.

"Its- It's the intruder!!" Shouted Gopal. "Well duh! He's right in front of you!" Ying smacked him. " Guys, now's not the time to fight" Said Yaya. "What do you want from us!" Fang asked, but the figure just stood still and put his hand forward, he mumbled something before dark smoke sorrounded them, and everything started to get dark, until they all blacked out.

The figure stared at them for a few seconds and merged with the shadow once more...

The next day, The gang woke up due to a loud alarm ringing. They all got up holding their head, and supported each other. "Commander? What's going on?" Fang called up his commander to ask. "Fang, Where were you guys!? " Kokoci shouted. "You know what- Just get to the control room. Now."

The gang went straight to it, despite them not having breakfast yet. They entered to see Kaizo busy with the monitor, and Kokoci who was looking distressed. "Commander? What's happening?" Yaya asked. "Oh good, you guys are here. BoBoiBoy's missing, And we can't find him." Said Kokoci. "Eh- have you guys checked his room?" Asked Gopal. "It was locked. We couldn't open it. " Said Kaizo. "Well it's all your fault, you guys made his door unbreakable" said Gopal and Ying nudged him by the shoulder.

" Hm. I need you guys to find him" Said Tarung entering the room. " Eh- But admiral, we haven't eaten yet? " Said Gopal as he held His grumbling stomach. "Issh! No problem admiral, Right away" Ying nudged Gopal again but this time in the stomach

They decided to go to BoBoiBoy's room and try to open the door, good thing it wasn't durable to Gopal's power, or else they really couldn't get in.

They got inside and were shocked to say the least. BoBoiBoy's room was completely trashed! They searched around the room to find him but no luck. "Commander, you might wanna come here..." Fang said through the watch.

Kokoci, Tarung, And Kaizo proceeded to BoBoiBoy's room, only to find it trashed. "what happened here?" Kaizo asked them. "We don't know, when we came here, it was already like this" Said Fang. "BoBoiBoy must've fought the intruder" Said Tarung. "what do you mean admiral?" Asked the Y duo. " It's just my conclusion, Maybe BoBoiBoy fought with the intruder... That's why it's trashed" explained Tarung.

"That is a good conclusion -"
"Guys!" Kokoci got cut off by Ochobot who called through fangs watch. "Ochobot? What's wrong?" Asked Fang. "I found BoBoiBoy! I'll send you our coordinates" Said The sphere before ending the call. "I got the coordinates, lets go!" Fang lead them to somewhere.

They found Ochobot and a seemingly unconscious BoBoiBoy, inside one of the store rooms, and they went closer to them. "What happened? Why is BoBoiBoy sleeping here?" Asked Gopal. "He's not sleeping, He's unconscious" Explained Ochobot. "Eh- How do your know?" Gopal asked. "Cause I've been trying to wake him up these past few minutes and he still wouldn't budge"

Yup, another short Chapter, well whatever, I hope you guys enjoyed! Also Khione_Soreen unblock me, I know you read my stories. It's not my fault you get mad easily-

Anyways have a good day/night and stay Happy!

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