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Greyson POV:

"Why does she always have to go through this!" Claire asks in a yell "It's not fair"

It's all him. It's obvious he's behind this, he's been trying to hurt Rose in any way possible for months.

Trying to cause her pain.


"Fucking shit" I say not meaning for it to be out loud

"What?" they all ask in union

Then they look at each other, as if shocked how in sync they were.

Hungry for pain.

What it said in the damn book.

I swear my mind is on fire, it's burning. All the thoughts, assumptions and the links.

"Axe so you remember the quote in the book? Hungry for pain?" I ask him quickly

"Yeah what about it?"

"For months, our father has been trying to hurt Rose in any way possible. Torture, making her watch people she cares about being tortured" I pause for a moment, my eyes boring into Ashton's "Killing Aiden" I say wearily

And it goes silent.

"I get he's crazy but he always has a reason behind doing what he does. He wouldn't kill his own son and torture his daughter just for the sake of it" I point out

"The deal" Axel gasps "You know? When the evil, demon thing whatever it is enters the body?"

All of our eyes widen at the same time

"It enters the body by pain, the more pain feels the deeper it gets into her mind" Claire says

Holy fuck.

"Why does he need it to enter Rose's body? It must be pretty damn important since he killed his son for it" Ashton says, a hint of sadness now mixed with his normal  facial expression

Aiden was the best of us.

"Yeah that doesn't make any sense, the demon entering Rose's body must benefit him somehow" I say, my eyes narrowed

I watch the screen as it turns black.

"We should check on her, she must be freaking out" Claire says, prepared to run

"I think she'll be fine, she has someone there already" I say

"I think we're all ignoring the most important thing" Axel blurts out "Everyone knows who we really are now, they're gonna want answers we can't give them" Axel says

"We knew this would happen eventually? What are they gonna do...expel us? So bloody what? I don't give two fucks what they do anymore. We have bigger issues" I say

I don't even care that the school knows we're Anderson's. So what? Clearly we hate our father it's not like we're gonna side with him.

"They wouldn't expel us anyway. It's not like we owe our father anything after the way he treated us, as they saw already. We wouldn't join him either way, they have nothing to worry about" Ashton says "They know we wouldn't side with him"

"Yeah but they don't like people like us, our people were at war with theirs. Do you think they'll want us to stay? No." Axel says

"So what? We get expelled. It's not the end of the world, but if something happens to Rose and this curse kills her" I fake a few short breaths "I don't know what I'll do"

And just before anyone was able to say anything else, we were paused by a loud bang that almost burst my eardrums, and my vision was blurred by flames.

Rose POV: Minutes before

Never would I have thought that I would willingly stay in Tyler's room. I don't understand what happened? I hated him for so long.

And now I'm in his room? Sitting on his bed? Alone.

I sigh and take another sip of my water.

I'm not sure where Tyler sped off too, he just left.

Just like he always does.

But wherever he is right now, I hope he's with Raven. I hope he's gone to see his sister.

Just as i was about to leave, I hear a loud bang shortly followed by screams

An explosion?

I quickly swing the door open but before I was able to leave, Tyler pulls me back in.

"Hey! I need to get out there! What happened?" I ask in a panic

I try to move him out the way and open the door again but he shoves me back.

"There's been some kind of explosion, there's fire everywhere" he says, his face clearly portraying all his emotions. For once he wasn't blocking it all out.

He looked oddly pale.

He actually looked afraid.

Afraid of fire?

"Did you actually see them die in that fire?"

"Are you okay?" I ask before I could stop myself

He didn't reply, instead he runs to the bathroom then comes back seconds later holding two wet cloths.

"Put this over your nose and mouth and let's go"

He pulls my arm and we run.


Greyson POV:

I force my eyes back open to the atrocious scene around me.

I haul my body back up, did I pass out?


Pain shot through my whole body as I got back on my feet. What the hell?

"Hey!" I yell through the flames

I rip off my sweaty shirt and wrap it round my face, so only my eyes weren't covered.

"Grey! Is that you?" I hear Claire yell

I instantly run towards where the sound was coming from, I run past bodies laying on the ground and people crouched over them. Cries and screams deafened my ears.

"Jesus you scared me" I breathe out a breath I didn't even know I was holding seeing all three of them standing there. She instantly pulls me into an unexpected hug.

"We didn't know where you were, we thought you were dead" she sobs into my chest

I pull her back "Where's Rose?" I ask urgently

"We don't know" Axel says

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