Chapter 3 - Farewell Gavaldon!

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Sophie had decided to give the orphans and extra special treat today, the last Good Deed to show the School Master why she should be taken to the School for Good. She had gone into the bakery and bought enough cookies for all the children at the Gavaldon Orphanage. She was glad they seemed to enjoy them but a little nauseous from the heavy smell of sugar and butter cookies that wafted in the air.

Now she waited for her sister, sitting down between two massive gnarled tree roots, underneath the massive oak tree on the hill that over-looked the lake as the sun started to set. Sophie couldn't stop thinking about that dream she had, with that boy. It had felt so real, Sophie thought, frustrated. When I go to the School for Good, Sophie vowed. I will find him.

For Sophie didn't want to end up like her mother: alone, unloved and forgotten. Her husband and her best friend betraying her as she died with pain and sadness in her. Agatha had never been truly close with their Mother, Vanessa. Yes, Vanessa and Agatha had the normal mother-and-daughter duo relationship but it had been Sophie that Vanessa confided her darkest secrets in, Sophie who had seen and witness all the bottled-up pain in their Mother first-hand.

Vanessa loved both of her beautiful daughters but it had been Sophie who had been chosen by Vanessa to impress Stefan. "For even though Stefan may not have sons, we will show him that he has something far superior than that." Sophie recalled Vanessa saying one time, during thier skincare routine. "He has princesses and a Queen." Yet still, Vanessa died alone, with her last breath telling Sophie that she was too good for this world. Not Agatha. Just Sophie.

But Sophie wouldn't get betrayed by her best friend, for she shared an even stronger bond than just mere best friends. Their bond went deeper than that of Honora and Vanessa's, they were a sisterhood and shared blood.

And besides, Sophie thought. Aggie could never betray me. And she was right for as she was just thinking of her sister, there she came. Sophie smiled as she spotted Agatha, clutching her brown beret as she came into view hurrying up to Sophie, breathless from her climb and descent.

"There you are darling, I was beginning to worry for you." Sophie smiled happily and stood up. "Well - shall we?" Agatha grinned and linked arms with Sophie. "Yes, we shall." And the two girls walked down the hill towards the lake.

When they arrived at the shimmering lake, they set up the picnic and sat next to the beautiful scene. Sophie took out the food and the two girls ate in silence as they stared out towards the lake, wondering what the future would hold.

"Sophie?" Agatha asked into the silence.

"Yes, Aggie?" She replied softly, looking at Agatha. Agatha looked out into the lake, into the sunset, clasping a silver necklace that Sophie hadn't seen before.

"Whatever happens next we'll always stay together, right? - You and me?"

Sophie looked up again at Agatha, and softened. Yes, Agatha was just maybe a teensy-tiny-weensy little bit better at the "being Good" thing, but as Sophie looked at Agatha, she saw vulnerability in her sister's face, as if Agatha couldn't imagine a world without Sophie. And that was then Sophie knew, that Agatha needed her as much as Sophie need her.

"Of course, Aggie. Of course." Sophie promised gently, squeezing Agatha's hand.

"You and me."


By the time it the Sun was sank slowly behind the clouds, Gavaldon were ready and waiting.

Waiting for the School Master's arrival.

Children had long since been locked away securely by their parents, who now kept guard with the rest of the Villagers. They held lit torches and held them up high, almost taunting the School Master to try crossing their ring of fire surrounding the forest.

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