Chapter 6 - On Arrival (Agatha)

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On the other side of the moat, Agatha thought she was about to plummet to her death. 

She opened her eyes to see a flash of green and land on something so soft that Agatha believed she had landed on her bed, back in Gavaldon. When she finally opened her eyes again, she closed them, wincing at a bright light flashing before her.

Heart thundering from everything that had happened in the last span of 5 minutes (five minutes was an understatement to say the least) Agatha thought it best to just stay where she lay, eyes closed and mind spinning. She did not know how long she lay there but eventually her heart beat slowed down and she could breathe normally. Agatha would have fallen asleep in her comforting-still-unknown-location.

Had she not heard the whispers coming from above her.

She jolted in surprise when she found herself lying underneath two enormous lilies, one red and one yellow (that explains the green I glimpsed on landing - must of been the lilies' buds and leaves Agatha thought). Agatha felt bad for landing on them - surely it hurt? Normal flowers would have been squashed already....

Agatha took a guilty peek at the flowers, who were in fact much bigger than normal flowers and appeared to be in an animated conversation, regardless of Agatha underneath, and unscathed. Well perhaps I shouldn't be so surprised, Agatha reprimanded herself softly as she closed her eyes again and fatigue washing over her.


"Be prepared Agatha," Callis told to a giggling eight-year-old Agatha. Stefan had dropped Agatha off a few hours prior for their first sleepover together. The only source of light were candles and lanterns scattered around the room like stars in the night sky (just not as numerous) and hot chocolate lay steaming on the table.

"For what?" Little Agatha replied, toothily and looking up towards her the older woman. Callis leaned in closer. "For the magical world my dear, called the Endless Woods - magic lies in their realms!"

Callis then swooped Agatha up by her armpits, making whooshing sounds like a rocket as Agatha shrieked with delight. Callis threw her in the air and then tickled her nose against her young charge's as they both laughed mischieviously together. "Be prepared Agatha." Callis whispered as Agatha snuggled into the crook of between her shoulder and neck, almost lulled to sleep. 

"Be prepared for a wonderful world filled with magic, light and love. Most importantly: expect the unexpected!"


Expect the unexpected. Agatha bolted straight up into sitting position, the last four words seeming to ring out in her head, giving her a headache. Agatha had to take a few deep breaths; as if emerging from a nightmare as her heart beat irregularly. 

She felt a soft pang in her heart. "Callis." Agatha whispered and her hand went immediately around her pendant. She leant against the lilies, one hand around the pendant, her other arm over her eyes and forehead. Agatha felt a bout of homesickness and had to close her eyes again to stop tears leaking through her eyes as she breathed in... and out.

Callis would want you to be happy. This is the World she came from after all. Agatha breathed in. She knew you were going to come here eventually. She breathed out and Agatha felt herself calm down, her heatbeat go back to normal.

Live life the way you want it. Her heart whispered. Live it for the both of you.

Emotions rushed over her like a wave - Sophie, the switch, the magic world - and Agatha lay there for a minute. She felt the cool wind on her face, the sound of birds chirping, the lapping waves of the lake's pristine waters and Agatha finally felt her headache go after a few minutes just sitting like that.

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