Chapter 13 - A lot of Confusion

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After that, nothing particularly interesting happened until a two-headed dog leapt onto the stage which made Sophie scream aloud in fright. She was surprised that no one else was screaming and was in fact, looking at her like she was the madman. That was when Sophie realised they had two-headed dogs here, so it was best for her to shut up and sit back down.

Because she had interrupted the dog's introduction and it was currently glaring at her.

Quick, quick, quick, what to do? Sophie panicked, her eyes darting to and fro. Everyone's eyes were on her (and a particular Prince's too) whilst she thought of the next best thing to do. Then, she knew what to do that would also prove her a princess too.

Sophie, her head held high, before giving her best princess-like curtsy and her all-winning smile.

Until she remembered she was wearing a dumpy potato sack for a dress, her hair was a homeless shelter for all the unwanted creatures and pests of the lake, her make-up was smudged and she stank like a sewer. With that, Sophie sat down with her head bowed down low, cheeks crimson pink. No wonder she could her sniggers from both sides, not just Good or Evil.

At least Tedros was looking her way, right? Far better than him looking at Agatha. Sophie brightened up with that fact and sat up straight, deciding the best move right now was:

To look as unaffected as possible for the rest of the Welcoming in front of Tedros - and most of all, keep quiet.

This came easily enough when Sophie's eyes found themselves wandering to their own distraction and finally, Sophie settled down.

All of Sophie's thoughts were consumed with Tedros. What did his hair smell like? How did his hair manage to fall perfectly in place, even after such a rigorous swordfight? How did his teeth gleam in the light when he licked his lips?

He and I are made for each other. Sophie mooned. We're just as perfect and beautiful as the other! Sophie dared to say that she was more gorgeous than the Prince himself, but only but a tight margin.

With that, Sophie schemed for the rest of the Welcoming on how to gain Tedros' attention.

But what was the most interesting of all was, when Tedros' hair caught a glimpse of the light, Sophie could have sworn it was white.

Meanwhile Agatha was seeing stars.

Apart from Sophie's odd start to the Welcoming, it had been a pleasant one so far.

The two-headed dog was intriguing for one. Each head seemed to have an opposite character to the other, the nicer looking head called Pollux and the rabid looking one called Castor. However it was abundantly clear from the start that Pollux was the head in charge and Castor was below its other head. For some reason unbenknownst to herself, Agatha felt this resonate somewhere inside of her, which made her uncomfortable.

They welcomed the new students into The School for Good and Evil and then explained the basis of the School and why they were here. Agatha already knew all of this thanks to Callis so she took it as a sign to look at her surroundings.

The School for Good and Evil was every bit as mesmerising and magical as Callis had foretold. The ancient architecture, the high ceilings, the glass windows, it was all gorgeous.

Looking at the faculty of the School, Good AND Evil, she noticed the one similarity that Agatha saw in every single faculty member was the dedication that each teacher seemed to possess in themselves to teaching and upholding the next generation. Seeing the students too, looking from Good to Evil, boys to girls. Then looking back at the teachers and students, Old to young.

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