Chapter 9 - A brief re-union

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A new voice interrupted them. "Welcome, New Princesses." Kiko and Agatha looked up to see a floating seven-foot nymph, which moved to the side revealing a magnificent foyer that all the girls victim of fairy bites must have ran into. It was so magnificent that Kiko and Agatha's breaths' caught in their throats.

"Welcome to the School for Good." And with that, Kiko and Agatha could see the other girls already inside and hustled inside quickly, before they missed anything major.


As Kiko and Agatha walked in, everyone turned to the two late arrivals. Kiko beamed at everyone and waved hi as all the other princesses gave them undisguised dirty looks (clearly Agatha was unforgiven for the whole fairy-fiasco and Kiko received bad treatment for siding with her, which Agatha thought was extremely unfair to Kiko).

Agatha shrank back, anxiously under the heat of everyone's stares.

The faculty lined four spiral staircases of the cavernous glass foyer, two pink and two blue as confetti showered the students in welcoming. The female professors wore different-coloured versions of the same slim high-necked dress with glittering silver swan over the heart. Each had added a personal touch to the dress, whether in-laid crystals, beaded flowers or even a tulle bow and stood on the pink staircases.

The male professors, meanwhile, all wore bright slim suits in a rainbow of hues, paired with matching vests, narrow ties and colourful kerchiefs tucked into pockets that were embroidered with the same silver swan and stood on the blue staircases.

Agatha blushed in surprise, forgetting her manners as she shamelessly gawked and admired the faculty at the School for Good. She immediately noticed that they were all more attractive than any adults she had ever seen, bar her parents and Callis - even the older faculty were elegant, to the point of intimidation. Agatha had to gulp, clenching her fists slightly as a nervous red rash sleuthed up her neck.

She always tried to convince herself that she didn't need to try and enhance her beauty - she might as well try and enjoy her youth, when age and physique was still kind to her. Here, was proof that it lasted forever.

The teachers all looked at the princesses, clearly baffled as to why all the princesses were scowling and rubbing different parts of their body at once (someone had clearly yet to inform the teachers of the fairy-bite incident) before they finally stopped on Kiko and Agatha again. Kiko beamed, her pigtails bouncing around her shoulders as she waved to the faculty enthusiastically. Agatha was jealous at Kiko's natural confidence and ability to make friends, wishing that herself would be more like her.

The teachers looked unsuredly up and down at Agatha's clothes but then smiled nonetheless, despite her ragged appearance. Agatha gave a sigh of relief; at least the teachers were nice and did not judge one by their looks.

Agatha felt her eyes drawn to one teacher who wasn't like the rest.

Haloed against a stained glass window with a shamrock green suit, silver hair, and shiny hazel eyes, whilst other faculty may have been smiling out of politeness (Agatha wasn't sure who to trust at this point) this teacher beamed down at her as if she completely belonged. Agatha reddened, not sure if it was out of embarrassment, or thankfulness.

Kiko nudged Agatha, nodding at a group of girls nearby. "Where are the boys?" Agatha heard one of them ask. Kiko waggled her eyebrows comically, causing Agatha to laugh, Kiko not even needing to put her unsaid question into words. You ready to meet the princes?

Agatha's laugh faded, as Sophie popped back into her mind again. Sophie would love to see all the princes. What are you doing Agatha? She reprimanded herself. Your mission, is to find Sophie! OK, REALLY this time: get Sophie!

Beauty that lies WithinOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora