Chapter 12 - The Welcoming

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Though Agatha had been running around the school so had been in probably every single room that existed in the Good Castle, she never had the time to actually enjoy the view and vast amounts of beauty that lies within its walls. So now she was walking calmly to the Welcoming you think she would have the time to enjoy the splendour of the castle.

She didn't.

Because the second Agatha entered through the Good's doors to the Welcoming from the West, she was tackled down by someone and then shoved behind a pew. Dazed, she looked up.

"Sophie!" Agatha gasped in delight before tackling her sister back but in a big hug. Agatha had so much to tell her in so little time -

"Hi! Nice to see you! Give me your clothes." Sophie said staring at her chic pink dress that was meant to be hers.

Almost right on cue, Kiko popped up. "Uh, hi." Kiko said nervously. To her credit, Kiko had gone looking for Agatha into the Villain pews and she must have been extremely uncomfortable.

"Aggie, we're running out of time before the Welcoming starts." Kiko's voice turned to a squeak as Sophie glared at her. "But uh, yeah, we should probably find some seats in the Good pews to best see the boys but Beatrix took all the best seats with her minions. Can you imagine that Reena is with them, of all people? She didn't even say Hi as I passed by, she just completely ignore me - "

"What is your point of coming over here?" Sophie snapped. This girl was as tiring to talk to as Radley.

"Um, Aggie-I-brought-your-shoes-cuz-you-left-them-in-our-room-before-you-disappeared-and-I-brought-a-damp-cloth-so-you-could-wipe-your-face-for-any-dirt-if-you-want-and-I'm-just-going-to-go-now, AH bye!" With that Kiko handed the stuff to Agatha before she promptly fled to Good's pews.

Agatha turned to Sophie, frowning. "That was mean of you Sophie, you treated her exactly like Radley and you scared her off."

"Well it's mean of you to steal my place in MY school after agreeing to be in the other school that I got dumped in and it's not my fault she's really annoying only I call you Aggie, Aggie." Sophie said all whilst trying and failing to take the shoes from Agatha. A twinge of guilt hit Agatha again about Sophie getting dumped in the School for Evil.

"Now quick, give me your clothes!"

Agatha's smile faltered. "Huh?"

"Quick, it will solve everything!"

"You can't be serious! Sophie we can't stay here!"

"Exactly. I need to be in your school and you need to be in mine. Just like we talked about, remember?" Sophie's voice quivered.

"But our father, Callis, Reaper?" Agatha spluttered. "We have to warn them! I saw something in the Gallery of Good - something terrible is going to happen to Gavaldon. They're going to be in grave danger and we don't even know when!

Sophie, we have to get back home!"

"Why? What do I have in Gavaldon to get back to?" Sophie's eyes seared into Agatha. Agatha was shocked at how... quick Sophie could change from being nice and sweet to this mean and easily irritated Sophie.

It's just the School situation. If you were in Sophie's position, you would be like this too. Oh, why didn't you go to the School for Evil instead of Sophie! You gotta protect her, dummy!

Agatha blushed with hurt. "You have... um you have..."

"Right. Nothing. Now, my dress please."

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