Chapter 3

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Lorelai's pov

Seeing her all grown up was weird. Sure I have seen her a couple of times a year but it was odd to see the one I left in a place I hated but she seems to thrive in. I thrived until the pressure became too much and I couldn't afford to keep one kid let alone two so I kept Rory. She seemed to be louder as a child and my mother doesn't like screaming kids.

I will always love Adeline but I couldn't do it without help and I couldn't stay in that house that felt like it was strangling me. They don't know what was truly going on, no one does. I don't even know the full story and I was there and could process it.

Every day I wish I could take her back to her true home and the fake politeness is out of the way. I could see right through her, others may not be able to put she's a lot like me. Adeline is independent and she knows how to play her looks to make it seem like everything is okay and there is nothing to worry about. But when my parents are involved you always have to worry.

When Rory goes to Chilton I truly hope that they bond and become close, closer than Rory and I. No matter what Adeline tries to fool everyone she is bitter towards Rory but, she would never be exceptionally rude to her. I think at least. Adeline is also upset with me and rightfully so. I have no right to even be in her life it is up to my parents and her. I feel like a child in divorce whenever I see her because I just want to beg and beg and tell her I'm sorry but I know she hates me and no about of sorry can forgive that.

"Hey mom, can I ask you something and can you promise not to get upset?" Rory asks me

"Go for it," I say looking back at her.

"Is there an um.. is there a reason why you chose me over Adeline or did you just take one?"

"Well... Um, so this is not something I'm proud of... I would rather say I just took one. However, I chose you because you were louder as a baby. Opposites of how you two are now but I knew how much my mother hates screaming kids and you were the screaming kid.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that, "Rory says. So apologetic even when it's not even her fault.

"Rory listens to me, disappointment has always been a big talk with your grandparents but, you and Adeline have never been the people that cause disappointment," I say looking at her.

"But I-"

I cut her off by saying "No but's Rory."

"Fine, no buts," She says in a light tone.

God, she's so like me but so much calmer and dependable than I'll ever be. Maybe I would have been if I could have grown up. But no reason to dwell on the past. Especially a past you can never change and cause so much hurt.

Rory Pov

I've always felt bad for Adeline, never having our mom there for her because of her grandparents. I know or hope at least her relationship with them is different than ours. But the big sister in me just wants her to come to our house and just live here now. I hope at school I can see the real her, not the one because the adults are there, not the one who pretends to like me. But a true genuine like. I wish my mom would've taken us both but I know why she couldn't.

I love my mom but she has made some mistakes, not that everyone else hasn't but hers were more obvious. I want Adeline to like me and we can talk about thinking mom wouldn't understand our family and how I like our grandparents. I hope that we can be each other's best friend and she can meet Lane and I can meet her friends It would just be so great. I know my grandma wants it too and I don't think my grandpa even notices it at all.

However, I know that she hates me and I would too if I wasn't chosen over your twin by your mother. Maybe one day that could happen but right now it's not. But, with me going to Chilton and hopefully having some of the same classes we would talk more. I know that my grandma will try to meddle but this is the one time it might work and it will go appreciated.

Adeline seems so cool and I would love to be her friend even if she doesn't want to be sisters. I love her so much and sometimes late at night, I want to be her. Not have to be the responsible one, not have to worry about money, and be able to travel the world. Her life just seems amazing. Not that mine isn't but it can be boring, hers is full of life and I crave that. I know that our life will always be different.

She has long hair, I have short hair. She wants to go to Yale or Princeton, I want to go to Harvard. She wants to be a Lawyer, I want to be a journalist. We're two sides of the same coin. I want to report and interpret things while Adeline would rather have it cut and dry with facts.

However, we both love coffee, have the same music taste, and have the same taste in movies.

Nature vs Nurture.

Secrets and Lies (Gilmore girls fanfiction)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora