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"suck my dick, sucker," celeste cackled as she once again steamrolled nino in pokemon. nino cried out in disdain, trying to figure out what the hell she just did. "that makes it my third victory! pay up alix!"

"really nino, you couldn't have done anything? she said she was a beginner," alix grumbled as she slapped few bills in celeste's waiting hand. 

"she said she was a beginner," juleka squinted her eyes at celeste with suspicion. celeste turned to her and shook her head, still laughing at nino's loss. 

"i don't lie," she nodded, "my little brother plays and i've only watched him. if i was curious, i'd ask him and he would explain. the little rascal is good."

"he isn't just good, celeste," luka shook his head, exasperated, "you said he's gone to tournaments, remember?" celeste blinked at him, recalling 

"oh yeah, i forgot he did those."

"you- you're little brother is a professional pokemon player?" adrien seemed surprised. he had been rooting for nino (because they were best friends, of course) but was astonished when celeste took nino's extra cards and created a deck in no time at all and wrecked nino just as fast.

"lucien? yeah, the runt even got a title or somethin' like tha'," she waved her hand dismissively but nino choked on air, startling alya and marinette that were sitting close by as well.

"are you tell me lucien la bella is your younger brother?!"

"uh, yeah? didn't know he was that famous, honestly. guess it runs in th' family."

"i knew you were top dog," alix tutted, "pretty badass."

"wouldn't recommend it, though." celeste leaned back on the blanket they had set on the grass, throwing alix an unimpressed look, "i mean look at me; ran inta a pest, got in a fight for th' first time in who knows how long- yeah, sure, i won the fight but not without some cuts and bruises. i left that life f'r a reason, y'know?"

"still though, you're like a hero- like ladybug and chat noir! just less magical," rose gushed. celeste snorted, turning away to hide how amused she was.

ladybug and chat noir were there themselves after all.

"not really, rose. i was more like a villain, i didn't do good things. but...i'm tryin' ta do better. be better. t' day."

"well i think you're doing great," luka bumped shoulders with her, smiling as she turned to him. her cheeks warmed as she returned it hesitantly.

"that split lip looks like it still hurts though," nathanael commented, worried about his friend. "is it healing well?"

"it'll be fine," celeste reassured him, "i've gotten them before and this one ain't nearly as bad, it'll look good's'new in no time!" nathanael gave a wobbly smile at the response, only helping placate him a bit.

"speaking of time," alya quipped, "celeste didn't you say you had to do something at three?"

"is it time already?" celeste stood up and dusted the stray blades of grass from her leggings. "yeah, gotta get my brother- thanks again for lettin' him hang with us, by the way."

"you kidding? I get to meet a pokemon legend!" nino cheered, "think he'll play against me?" celeste laughed at his antics.

"if you ask him nicely, then probably."

nino cheered and adrien high fived him.

"you sure you don't want me to come with you?" luka peered up at her from his spot on the blanket. she shook her head.

"it's not far from here, i won't be long."

"alright, be safe."

she scoffed, "who do ya think you're talkin' to?" she leaned down to peck him on the lips, "i'll be back!" she took off in a light jog to go retrieve her brother from his friend's house.

unbeknownst to celeste, luka stayed staring at where she once stood, his cheeks flushing. he turned towards his friends and sister who were all looking at him with wide eyes and jaws dropped. rose had her hand over her mouth to keep her squeals and Julia squeezed her other hand.

he let out a surprised laugh, "so i didn't imagine that?"

he prepared to placate his friends as they all began to bombard him with questions. he laughed sheepishly and tried to calm them down.

but he had to calm his own heart first.

celeste had slowed her jog to a swift walk halfway to her destination, humming the song luka had played her her, her heart's melody. she smiled softly.

(she had no clue on what she had unleashed on poor luka.)

for once she was lost in her own world, having never been peace with where she was.

she was caught completely off guard once she rounded the corner and passed another person walking. she didn't notice them stop on their tracks and dis a double take as she kept on going.

"well i'll be damned. is that really you, kid?" a familiar voice made her freeze in her tracks. celeste felt cold sweat build so quickly, her eyes wide as she she whipped around to face the man she had not seen since the day he left her to crash and burn.

"big dog?"


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