watercolor portrait

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luka rested his cheek on his palm, listening to the teacher drone on about the history of Picasso before they started their assignment. normally, he would be invested in the lesson, but he'd been so bummed out about not seeing the mysterious girl since last week.

all he wanted to do was find out who she was, and possibly befriend her. she seemed like a curious girl, and this investigation was an investment now.

eyes left the front of the room and traveled to the walls where art hung to dry or simply to showcase the talent some students had. he recognized some of them as marinette's, as there aren't that many that she lets people see, but her style was evident, and her cursive signature hidden somewhere in the drawing. he scanned more of the art until his eyes landed on portrait.

his breath hitched, and he sat up straight in his seat, eyes widening. there, was a portrait of the girl he was looking for.

it was of soft pastel colors from water paint, giving the air of softness that she seemed to express the few times he'd seen her. her hair was pulled into the neat bun, with bangs framing her face. her cheek pressed to her palm just as his was, she smiled at whoever had painted her. her violet eyes were a stark contrast to the other colors used, and rightfully so.

the portrait definitely did her justice.

he searched for a name, a signature, anything.

and there it was, right under the painting.

'wallflower' by nathaniel


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