liar liar

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celeste began to spend time with luka's group of friends, though sometimes they didn't notice she was there until luka greeted her normally (he allowed her to have some normalcy at least) as if she hadn't been there the entire time. she supposed that there were benefits to being in a posse.

there were still some days where she spent her time in the confines and recluse serenity of the art room at certain times of the day, but all in all, she...enjoyed her time with the group. she still listened to the gossip, secrets and simple conversations not only from around her when people didn't think anyone could hear but from the group as well.

you'd think they would try to be more careful.

one day, luka was running late from having to talk to a teacher about an assignment when marinette comes to the group with a sour face and immediately goes a rant about a girl who lies about everything and anything. some of the people present sent marinette a withering look, one that shows that they've heard this a lot and don't really know if they can believe what they hear.

oh, celeste definitely knew who she was talking about. she was an easy target to observe as she didn't really pay much attention to her surroundings and more-so to herself.

"are you talking about lila rossi?" she suddenly jumped in the conversation, surprising the rest of them. celeste normally didn't engage conversation, they had to include her or else she would rarely pipe up.

"yes! please tell me you believe me," marinette's eyes were hopeful, and everyone watched with bated breath on what the new addition would say.

celeste smiled, but it was a chilling one that sent shivers up their spine, "do i? i know everyone's dirty little secrets, marinette."

marinette and adrien flinched, and the others gasp.

"you do?" rose seemed astounded, "everyone?"

celeste didn't confirm or deny and simply chose to ignore any questions in favor of continuing her answer, "for a cunning liar she sure doesn't pay attention to things around her. can't tell you how many lies i've heard from her mouth, it's one after another."

"but lila is so nice," juleka argued.

celeste's eyes narrowed, "believe what you want to believe, only fools refuse to see the truth. never judge a book by its cover."

she left no room for a response as she turned heel and left for home as the school day was over.

as she walked down the stairs, she passed the girl they had been talking about. lila let lie after lie leave her mouth in order to impress the group around her. celeste clenched her fists.

oh how she wanted to just punch her right in noggin. 


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