Chapter 16: "Blood is thicker than water"

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Fiona, Alexa's sister  and Alyssa's younger daughter above

Julius POV

"So what's going on? You look very unhappy," Danny says "And I'm worried, this hunter's incident seems to escalate."

We are sitting in the dining room of the packhouse, Danny is painting the mural and I've just finished a very tense meeting in the library regarding yesterday's incident.

"The rogues checked in the motel so Alexa and I came home, but something bothered me so I decided to take another walk around the town just in case, and I smelt the chase. Two rogues were chasing the third one, they got him in the middle of the swamp so I howl to make myself known to give them a chance to submit, and that's when one of them attacked me and the second continued attacking the chased one. I killed the first rogue and then the next one. The one chased was big but was lacking in skills that for sure, and was wearing a collar."

"Strange," Danny comments and I snort.

"Well, it turned out that the hunter was in the bushes and he called the third wolf "Ivory". He could've killed me, I was totally exposed. But he was only interested in making sure I don't get close to this Ivory. The third rogue jumped from the bushes so I had to take care of him and the hunter used the opportunity to disappear. End of the story." I say angrily.

"So what bothers you?"

"First of all it's now obvious that our hunter stays in the city my son goes to school every fucking day, second there is a reason why rogues move so much around the country, to not get the attention from humans and this Ivory is staying here too long and incidents like that attracts the attention. And third, we have no idea what's going on."

Danny reaches and squeezes my shoulder in a comforting matter and I feel calmer instantly. Truth be told I miss him in everyday life, I miss him so much.

"We have to go to the motel to stage everything as if they had run away because they didn't want to pay for staying, we checked their belongings but found nothing interesting but one thing. The poster with the photo of the girl" I pick up my phone and show Danny the photo of the poster. "There is also a name on the poster Pearl and that's it."

Danny bites his lips slightly and asks:

"What does it mean, the poster?"

"Rogues move a lot, so posters like that are usually distributed if someone from the pack wants to find someone unofficially."

"Which means that their intentions are not good since they chose to not contact their allies or use the official correspondence with packs" Danny finishes and I nod.

"And what about Trist? Has he explained himself?"

I sigh, that is another problem. Natasha and Alexa will make sure that Trist will be punished, but the fact that he doesn't want to say anything makes me worried. I've never had any problems with him and now this. Danny comes back to painting and I can admire his perfectly shaped ass in tight jeans and him in general. When he works he looks almost enchanted, so deep into his artistic world, so beautiful.

"Do you think it looks alright?" he asks as I move closer and wrap my arms around his waist and pulls him onto my lap, he squeaks as I push my wheelchair to the opposite side of this big room.

"Now we can admire it from the distance and it really looks wonderful," I say as Danny smiles.

We study his work, him still on my lap as I enjoy the warmth of his body and his wonderful smell. I don't want to ever let go of him.

"Well, what a lovely picture"

Fiona is standing at the entrance to the room smiling too sweetly. I unwrap my arms from around Danny's waist and he stands up from my lap slowly.

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