Chapter 49: Every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future

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Julius POV

It took around a week more to go back to the Howl Pack. Because Alexa was the last one who saw the mad Alpha Ravenswood, we had to wait for her to be interrogated by the Council representatives. Terry had some time to get some rest and proper care over his broken bones, and then we all returned home.

And now we all sit on the porch at the Howl packhouse. All, I mean myself, Danny, Natasha, Chen, Alexa, Terry, Mae, and Alyssa. Ivory is also here because she asked questions, and Terry decided to be honest with her.

"What about Ravenswood proof of Brandon's crime?" Natasha asks.

"I made sure to get rid of his phone," Alexa says" Setting the things right after his Alpha disappearance is now his Beta's job; the Council has no right to dig through his papers and data. Even if Beta finds the recording, he will destroy it because it proves that Ravenswood knew about Red Venom and didn't report it. Hence, it makes both of our packs guilty of being involved with the poison, so reporting it would also disband his pack, so I'm sure he will get rid of all the evidence. But that's the risk we must take."

Natasha nods and exchanges a look with Chen, who continues:

"All the investigation is also under the Beta's surveillance; the Council will not be suspicious because our story is rather good. Ravenswood disappeared, and that's it. The girls he held captive testified that they had seen him killing the rest of the "banished girls" along with four children, so the Council accepted the explanation that he probably killed also his daughters."

Ivory's eyes are stuck to the floor; she is gripping her mother's photo, which Terry snatched for her from her mother's bedroom.

"And about these girls..." she starts, and Terry puts his hand on her shoulder.

"It will be tough for them, but they are out of that hell. They will have to learn to live again; each of them has a family extremely happy that they are alive, so I think they will be okay. Your father has gone mad, Ivory, he changed his house to a private torture chamber, and that's it. He is gone, and he will never be around you again. Your mother's body was buried properly. "

"And what about his?" she asks, and Terry answers:

"We dig his grave in the deep forest; none will ever find him. We abandoned the car close to the Ravenswood pack. Everybody believes that he ran away in his wolf form. We will forget about him, don't worry."

He hugs her as she puts her head on her shoulder, as Danny looks at them sadly.

I was livid when he told us about Nick, but I think that history only made Terry more sure that he has to leave this place as soon as possible. He has already talked about it with Natasha, Mae, and Danny, but unfortunately, not with the girls. I'm fully aware of how I felt and behaved when I discovered the truth about him, but now I'm not so sure.

If he leaves, I know he will break the girls' hearts, and they have already been through enough.

"How are your bones," I ask Terry about an hour later when he sits on the packhouse porch looking at Pearl playing in her wolf form with Doggy.

"Painful still," he smiles, and I nod. Two broken bones, a broken arm, and cuts and bruises sure make his life difficult.

I sit next to him, and we watch Pearl in front of us for some time.

"How is Trist?" he asks.

"Sad, Madison was his mother after all. Natasha made an official report of what she had told us about her wolf and decided to notify also our allies. The way she got rid of her wolf keeps bothering us all. And my son is in pain, but he has me, and Danny; he will get better. Sooner or later, we all will get."

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