Chapter 41: "The course of true love never did run smooth" Part 2

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Danny POV

Hours, I think I've already spent hours locked. It stinks, it's wet here, and there is no light. I have no idea what to do, what actually happened.

Rogues were waiting for us close to the pack. Everything happened so fast. I remember they pushed our car from the road. It made a few lapses, then I was dragged from it back to the road and pushed into the van. The driving was very long before we stopped. And since then, I've been here; I didn't get to see anything because they put the bag on my head. And it's still there, just like my hands are tied behind my back. They are so numb I can't feel them anymore.

My heart is hammering so hard in my chest, and I feel the blood pulsing in my temples. I don't cry, not yet, at least, but I'm scared; I'm so scared, and I have a huge experience of being scared.

When the door to my cell finally makes some noise and vital steps come closer and yank me up, I feel even happy that I'm not alone and this blood-freezing waiting is finally over.

"Hello, dear," Brandon says, pulling the bag out of my head." And don't look so surprised; you have been taking me as stupid, haven't you? I've been planning this even before Julius sent me to the infirmary. After I returned from my mission with Alexa, the small group of rogues came, and I was in charge of ensuring they would pass our territory without any trouble, but I offered them a deal. I showed them this place and promised money in exchange for help."

I try to get a grip and instinctively push myself more into the wall; I want to be as far away from him as possible. He is changed; he seems more vile, more mad. I tremble so much because I have never been so afraid of him as now. I can sense Bruce, but... he is gone; he is no longer himself; all I get from him is bloodlust.

"I knew that I wouldn't be chosen an Alpha because of everything that happened, or more likely, what I did to you. So I accept an excellent deal from someone. Together we set the attack on the pack giving the patrol details to the big group of rogues who came from the West, not those with whom I had made the deal before. We needed that distraction, so they helped me move some things hidden on pack territory. And your kidnapping helped me lure Natasha and Julius straight into the trap."

"What do you mean?" I whisper.

"I told them I could find you since we are the marked mates, and they listened, but I lured them into where something special awaited them; I hope they died. But I didn't wait to confirm it. If I could let Bruce take over, and let me say he was really thirsty for Julius's blood, I would kill him myself if I had more time."

He touches my cheek gently, and I cringe away from his touch.

"Bruce changed. He is more dangerous and more difficult to control. And it was tough to hide it from everyone. But thankfully, you cheated on me again; that made something to our bond, Bruce snapped; he is feral. I can feel it, but I still have some control over him, but soon I will be free of him. My poor father would be so disappointed; pity he is dead," he smirks.


Brandon starts to chuckle and gives me the look of a madman.

"After I gave up my claim for Alpha title, he made a scene in the house that evening, he was so irritating, so I hit him too hard, it turned out. I hid his body and went into the pack's dungeon alone, saying I would accept punishment for my crimes against you. Unfortunately, the person who was helping me stage your kidnapping left his scent on the scene, so the Howl Pack was sure it was him who had kidnapped you."

"And who helped you?" I ask, even though I'm scared as hell.

"Two persons, actually, and you know both of them. And by the way, have you liked my gifts?"

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