Chapter 33: "When the going gets tough, the tough get going."

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Danny POV

I can move around with the crutches; my hip is still painful, and I'm able to speak. It's been over a week since the incident and since I moved in with Terry and Aunty Mae.

Julius is with me every night; both he and Terry walk on eggshells around me, but this must end today.

I sit in the living room, trying to stop the shaking of my hands and raising panic. They will be here very soon to ask all the questions which I don't want to answer, no matter what.

"Danny, don't be sad" Pearl is trying so hard to cheer me up, giving me sweets or her drawing or patting my head. I appreciate it with all my heart. Although it's not working, nothing can actually make me calm and not sad today.

"Danny, they are here," Terry says and walks into the living room, accompanied by Natasha, Chen, Julius, and to my horror, also Preston. I try not to panic; I don't want him here.

"This is the official pack's hearing, so I must ask you, Terry and Mae, to go downstairs with girls, alright?" Natasha says. 

Terry nods but says that if I shout for him, he will come in a minute.

"Alright, Danny, I and Chen are here to ask questions, Julius is here on your request, and Preston is here on Brandon's request. Julius can speak on your behalf if you need him to, and Preston on behalf of his son. Do you understand?"

I nod, happy that they made sure that Julius is as close to me and Preston as far as possible.

"If you need the break, say it. Danny, as your Alpha, I command you to give us the honest answer." Her voice is dripping with dominance, which I can feel.

I avoid looking at her; I don't want to do it; I don't want to talk about Brandon and me. I want to be left alone. I wonder if I will be able to make any voice leave my mouth.

"Danny, Brandon said that what happened recently had never happened before. That he was never violent towards you before. Is it true?"

I shake my head; I don't dare to look at Julius or Preston; I stuck my eyes on Natasha.

"Okay, Danny, when was the first time it happened?"

Somehow, although my heart is beating so fast and I feel dizzy, I speak. I speak about the first time Brandon hit me and about, the first time he whipped me with his belt, and the second time, and what happened after I caught him cheating, but when I tell them that Preston knew, he instantly says:

"I deny it; it's true I pulled Brandon away from Danny, but I didn't think it was that serious. I'm sorry if Danny understood my words as a threat, but my intention was to help them to work it out and let's be honest, there is no other option for them than working it out. "

"Preston, for now, you are not a witness, so stay quiet," Natasha growls and looks at me.

"Danny, what happened after Brandon came back to the pack?"

"I was scared, he behaved differently, but Bruce was very agitated, and for some time, I could mostly feel anger, enormous anger from Bruce. But Brandon was very calm all the time. He was so calm even when he kept asking with who I slept. But he was also trying to force me to tell him."


"He kept me for hours under the cold shower and made the cuts on my legs and..." my voice is shaking so much I have difficulty with speaking. "Please, I don't want to talk about it. He also told me that he is still seeing Fiona, and..."

Julius takes my trembling hands in his, and they gave me a moment of rest.

"And what happened recently? Can you tell me about that," Natasha asks

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