Chapter 36: "Action speaks louder than words"

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Terry POV

Jason enters the flat with his cheeks definitely too blushed. Danny, who is drawing something together with Pearl, stops to look at him properly; only Trist and Ivory, who are doing his homework at the kitchen table, don't notice his entrance.

Trist has been coming here for the last six days every day, and usually, he and Ivory spends time on his school book. Seeing them like that is sad. Ivory can't go to school if her legal status isn't clarified. She officially doesn't exist, and yet I see how much she wants to learn. Even if I wanted to adopt her, I would need a birth certificate and many more things I would never get as long as her father is alive.

I wonder how quickly both girls and Trist get along with each other. I asked him once what his father said about his visits to my house, but he answered that his dad had never picked him friends and for sure would not start now. And Danny is here, so it's safe.

I still don't know what is going on between Julius and Danny, but my nephew is clearly sad that although Julius has returned, he has never shown up here.

I focus on Jason, whom I get to like since he came here and who got into serious trouble of his own.

"How did it go?" asks Danny." You were only supposed to talk with her and..."

"And we did talk, and it took a while, but we also managed to enjoy ourselves. Fiona may love Brandon, but her wolf wants me as much as mine wants her. And she  for sure has problems with keeping her hands towards herself."

"And you?" he asks, and Jason sighs:

"I want her, Goddess. I almost can't think when I smell her, but I don't love her, at least not yet, and although we lost control today and were making up like crazy for some time, she later freaked out. I guess her hormones are not balanced because of her pregnancy. She kicked me out, yelling that she didn't want to see me again. But I feel that as long as Brandon is in the picture, she will not let me know her any better."

"Well, if we find a way to set me free from Brandon, he may stay forever in the picture," Danny says.

"Well, Fiona will reject me or ask for the rejection. I will never force her into anything, so I think it's a pity."

I glance at him; he took it exceptionally calmly when he heard who I was. After all, I had attacked his home and almost killed his older sister, the Luna of Black Moon Pack. And yet Jason is quiet and professional as a warrior, kind and funny as a companion. He offered to train with Ivory in wolf form, and she instantly agreed; he plays with Pearl, and she likes it. He entered our daily life so naturally.

It's been calm for the last ten days, although Chen doubled the patrols because of what we found in the forest. I can't shake off the feeling of uncertainty. Who might have done it? It must be a hunter because only they know this way of communicating,  but who? Someone from the other state? But why bring up the Nightingale clan? I'm sure that was a message for me, someone from the past, but who? Even if, because of Dylan, I was recognized, it couldn't be by someone from my clan because those who might have something against me are all dead. They must be dead because I left them to die.

"Something bothers you, Terry?" Jason asks, looking at me. "Or do you still think about the otter?"

"It's hard not to, but let's not get too gloomy; I must open the bar soon. And besides Fiona, have you talked with someone else in Howl Pack?"

"With actually many people, including Alexa and her mother, they wanted to know what my plans regarding Fiona were. And I told them I don't intend to make her suffer, but I also saw the devil."

Danny gulps, and I get to focus more on what Jason is telling us.

"He wasn't happy seeing me; he wasn't happy when I told him that Fiona is my mate; he was angry when I told him that if he ever touched my friend again, I would cut off both of his hands. But nothing happened; I guess he really holds himself together now during the trial. But I have no idea what Fiona sees in this jerk." Jason spits.

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