Chapter 4

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"I don't understand if what Aaru is doing is good or bad. Abhimanyu seems like a good guy and his family is nice too. So what happens if she has to give up on singing? She will have a nice family and be living with her husband. What is wrong with that? Aarohi shouldn't be doing this. It is wrong of her." Maharani Susheshna judged Aarohi quickly. "Maharani Sudheshna please pause your words and think of your words very carefully. Aarohi is not doing anything wrong. She is making sure her sister's dreams don't get shattered due to her marriage. She is protecting her sister and her dreams. If you don't understand things like these then please sit calmly. No one asked for your opinion." Yuvrani Bhanumati defended Aarohi. Rajkumari Chitrangada sent Yuvrani Bhanumathi a thankful smile which was reciprocated. "Whatever Aarohi did, she is definitely smart. She was able to grasp the whole situation with just a few hints. That is amazing." Mahamantri Vidur replied happily and proudly. The pandavas and their wives' faces were glowing so brightly.

The screen started playing again and this time it showed a college. Samay Dev paused the screen and explained to the Dwapar Yug vasis about the education system in Kali yug and what each of the kids studied or, in Risha's case, studying. The screen started playing again and Risha could be seen walking with a bunch of her friends. "So Rishu, what are your plans for the weekend?" Rishu looked at Adya as if she was crazy and replied, " Adya the week has just started. " I mean it's monday for god's sake and you are planning about the weekend?" Adya pouted and explained "Rishu you are not understanding the importance of Weekend. Let me tell you. Weekend starts on a Friday evening and lasts till Sunday night. Friday evening and Saturday are the best days and on Sunday we wallow the whole day because the next day we have college. So it is essential to plan how we spend those 2 and half days without any wallowing. And a perfect plan takes a lot of time. That is why we need to start planning from Monday itself." Not only Rishu and her friends but the audience from Dwapar Yug were surprised with Adya's explanation. Everything was quiet for a few minutes before Rishu and her friends started laughing like crazy. "Oh my god! I don't think I have ever heard you talking this passionately about anything other than food." Rishu replied and laughed with her friends. "Ha ha, go ahead and make fun of me. But you will one day realize that I am right." Adya replied with a pout. "Arey Adu, when did we say you are wrong? Anyway, forget the weekend, what do you think, the teacher will explain about the exmas?" Rishu calmed Adya down and asked her other friends. "Oh Rishu. How can we know about that? And how can you leave me like that Rishu? Do you know how much it hurt me when you abandoned me like that?" Ayan interfered before any of her friends could reply to Rishu. "Exactly Ayan there is a reason I abandoned you. So you will be far away from me." Ayan once again started his drama and annoyed Rishu till their class bell rang.

They all went into their respective classes. Ayan, Adya and Rishu sat next to each other when their teacher walked in. " Good Morning class. Look at how lovely the day is today. But you all look gloomy. Why is that?" Their teacher asked as soon as he saw his students. Adya raised her hand and replied "Sir it is Monday morning and we are in college. That is the reason we are all gloomy sir." Their professor shook his head at the students and said "Oh my god! You kids are gloomy because you have to attend college. You are behaving as if you have to study for 15 more years. One month! Just one month and we teachers don't have to see your face and you don't have to see our faces." Everyone looked shocked at the professor's explanation and Ayaan asked "One month? But sir we have only completed like 2 chapters. What about the rest of the Syllabus? And what about all the subjects and projects?" The professor shook his head at Ayan and replied "Arey! Anyone explain to this gadhe to attend classes properly. Maybe then he won't ask stupid questions." All the students started laughing at what the sir said and Ayan hid himself behind a textbook at the professor's angry look. Then the professor yelled "Arey Bewakoof, your projects have been completed last week itself. And regarding your other subjects, you have 4 subjects in total. Out of which the whole class took online exams for 3 subjects and passed. Surprising news is that you even took it and passed it. I will check that again later. Now you only have 1 subject left. If you are worried about classes then don't be, because you never attend them. And for your kind information, the syllabus has been completed a long time ago. Along with that the class completed its third revision last week. So Mr. Ayan don't ask stupid questions next time when you are not present in class. Got it?" The professor then turned towards the rest of the class and said "If anyone has any questions other than Ayan, then you may ask. Don't feel embarrassed or anything okay? I will also send you the notes link and everything, okay?" The students all replied in a positive way so the professor dismissed the class and left.

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