6 - Eloise

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"I need your ID and your updated test papers, please," the young woman with dark hair and big, round, brown eyes behind the counter asked Lilah. She complied by handing her both, and then the woman looked at me, asking for the same.

It gives me great comfort knowing that by my sister coming here looking to have a little sexual fun, they have a mandatory test system to participate in any sexual activities. Because of that, I can now scratch that one huge worry off my list.

"Oh, that's my sister; she came here with me to see if this would be a place she'd like to be a member of." Lilah turned around, holding her hand toward me with her palm facing up. "Hand me your ID."

I swung my purse around, fished out my license, and handed it to the lady instead. After swiping my ID and logging it into their system, she eyed me holding a bracelet, saying, "I need your wrist, please." I extended my right hand to her. "Once this is on, you won't be able to take it off until you wish to leave the premises. The security officer at the exit doors will then remove it. Wearing this bracelet lets everyone around you know that you're unable to participate in any sexual activities. Do you understand?"

I nodded. "Yes, I do," I answered, then added, "I didn't plan on having sex with anyone here tonight, anyway. I'm just here with my sister to explore, watch, and see if this would be something I might enjoy coming to in the near future."

"I also need to add that cameras and phones are not allowed on at any time. So if you need to make a phone call, you can come back here and make the phone call you wish to make."

"I completely understand." Thankfully, Lilah warned me on the way to the club. And I can see it now. Callum would be the one to cost me my phone from him emailing me while I'm here. And my dumbass would be dumb enough to look at it and see what he needs. Because, well, it's become a habit to immediately open his emails whenever one comes in—which is all hours of the day and night.

And if he were the one to cost me my phone, I'll bet anyone anything he'd be the motherfucker that wouldn't replace it. I know him well enough to know he'd say; you should've listened to the rules from the start because Callum's all about discipline and punishment.

I don't play nice, Eloise... he said the other day. That there says it all. He'd have a big smile resembling the Joker's famous shit-eating grin. And he would rub it in about how I deserved to lose it since I didn't listen to the club's rules.

The woman behind the counter was young, small-framed, with dark hair and dark eyes, and she looked and dressed identically to Lydia Deetz from Beetlejuice. I don't know what I was thinking, but what came out of my mouth next, I earned a smack from Lilah. "Are we going to be seeing a Beetlejuice wedding tonight?"

Since I'm learning about this different lifestyle, I'm curious about how this place works, so I had to ask. Because right now, we're in a bright room, and once security opens the doors for us, I know it'll be a whole different world, especially with how I see everyone dressed, standing in front and behind us. Some are dressed in costumes, some in business attire, some in sexy clothes, and others are pretty damn near naked.

Because of that, I'm more than curious about what I'll see behind these doors. Will it be loud? Will it be quiet? Will it be dark? Or will it be bright?

I have no idea what to expect, and I feel like I'm about to faint from the nervousness of not knowing—afraid to see what my sister enjoys and does. What I enjoyed doing with Cal a week ago. And after talking with Lilah about this sexual lifestyle, I think what he did was pretty mild.


"What?" I looked at the girl behind the counter and then at Lilah. "I was only asking. I'm curious if there will be any Beetlejuice role-playing tonight. You know how that's one of my favorite movies... Hello... you did say they have all kinds of different things that go on every night here."

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