19 - Callum

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I felt the safe word Eloise would decide would remind me of what she's been calling me these last few months. And motherfucker was the one name-calling safe word I figured she'd want to use.

It's a name she's given me and has greeted me with every morning that I've grown a custom to for months.

And Eloise is lucky because any other woman or employee of mine that would have the nerve to call me motherfucker would be fired and kicked to the curb. But for her, my gorgeous assistant, to call me that makes the derogatory nickname all the more fun and entertaining because it ignites all sorts of excitement within me.

And it brings me great joy that Eloise thinks that highly of me.

I know she'll break the rules I've laid out for her so far. Eloise admitted she's a rule breaker, so this week will be fun. And I'm sure she'll love me even more for what I've planned for her.

"So, when is my punishment going to start?" Eloise asked with humor written all over her face.

She must think I'm kidding about disciplining her, and I'm not. And because she's so eager to discover her fate, I better get started before she thinks I've changed my mind. However, because it'll be something new to her, I need to work her lady-bit parts up before the fun begins.

My fingers dug into her thighs, and I leaned to her mouth, softly caressing her lips with mine as I said, "Soon, beautiful, soon." Then, gripping the bottom hem of her sundress, I lifted and removed it from her delicious body and dropped the dress to the ground. I chastely kissed her lips. "Do you trust me?" I wanted to know because it's something I need to hear from her mouth before I start doing anything to her.

"No," she bluntly said, then when I was about to respond, she added, "I don't trust you. But I do, however, trust that you won't hurt me when it comes to sexually satisfying or punishing me. Because I know Isabelle and her other half would kill you if you did something to hurt me. Not only them, but my family will go after you as well. And so will Emma, Mason, and everyone else I work with."

Mason—mental note—I still need to transfer him.

She continued, "... Everyone I know, or who knows me, will go after the big neanderthal if he hurts me. So, yes, I trust you not to hurt me, if that's what you were asking."

With my eyes flirting with her lips, I said, "Good, because I need you to know I would never hurt you. Not when it comes to sex."

"So you're saying you'll hurt me in other areas, like my mind and heart... got it," she stated, not questioned. Then she shrugged, informing me, "I'm used to that. So if that's your plan, then I hope you have fun doing so," she groaned.

"I don't break hearts. They break mine," I returned, crushing my mouth on hers before Eloise could say another word. I didn't want to hear any more talking; what I wanted to hear from her lips were moans and groans, purring, begging, panting, cries, and whatever other sounds escaped her beautiful mouth.

Digging my fingers into the elastic of Eloise's panties, she broke the kiss, and her breathing hitched when I pulled them down. "If eating my pussy is part of the discipline, I'm all for it. Carry on," she cooed, having no idea what I had in store for her.

I chuckled. "Oh, it will be. You'll see," I proudly informed, bringing Eloise's legs over my shoulders and lowering my mouth to the center of her universe.

One slow tongue swipe between her slick folds was enough to get her in the state I wanted her—aroused. She gripped the edge of the countertop, tilted her head back, and slid her ass to the edge, her pussy closer to my mouth while moaning in delight.

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