25 - Eloise

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Since I tortured Callum's nipples the other night, he's been on his best behavior. But I've learned that's how he works—hot and playful one minute, ornery, cold, and quiet the next. So, that doesn't mean I'm in the clear with him just yet. He'll still find a way to mess with me when I least expect it.

Yesterday, after Rory and Isabelle's family arrived, we all went out to eat, and then we rented a guide to take us on a cruise around the island. And surprisingly, Callum acted like a normal human being. He also treated me like I was royalty—his queen. And I'm not afraid to admit this, but it felt good, too.

He was nice. Normal. Flirtatious in a respectful way. He'd tease me, but in a fun way. No matter what I was doing, who I talked to, or where we were, Callum's eye contact was always on me, and when I'd feel his eyes on me and would look at him, he'd wink and coquettishly smile at me. He also ensured I had everything I needed and wanted. And that I was happy. He pretty much made sure a red carpet was laid out for me everywhere I walked.

And that cracked me up.

It was like Callum was apologizing to me again for misbehaving, and he feared I'd torture his nipples again. I may have given him a taste of his own medicine that night, but because he allowed me to discipline him without complaining, I rewarded him with a blow job—just because I was in the mood to taste his arousal.

Today's the wedding, and I'm looking forward to seeing how well Callum will behave around me—around the bridal party and the attendees Rory and Isabelle spent good money on ensuring everyone made it to Hawaii to attend and be a part of their happiness.

However, I know Callum won't behave—it's in his blood to be a butthead.

Sometime throughout the wedding or reception, or during both events, I'm almost positive because he cannot help himself. He'll figure out how to get me to misbehave so he can have fun punishing me. So I just need to be sure I'm on full alert the entire day and outsmart him—if that's even possible.

Isabelle looked at me and brought her mimosa to her lips while the hairdresser did our hair, humorously asking, "Are you and Callum going to behave today?"

"Of course, we will. Why would you ask that?"

She laughed. "Do I really have to get into that, especially about the other night at that restaurant?"

I groaned, "That was Callum and Aaron's doing. They thought it would be funny to gang up on me and tease me like I was a toy."

She shook her head a little, smiling. "I still don't understand why you're allowing Callum to fuck with you as he has been."

"Honestly, I don't know either."

I think I'm only allowing him to do this because I'd like to work on breaking down the wall he built around him. I really want to know what caused him to be the person he is today. I want to know why he used to be all about relationships and he isn't now.

I'm also curious as to why Rory and Callum used to goof off, playing practical jokes on one another when they were business partners and when he used to work in the office. And I'm curious about his reasoning on why he doesn't come in and why he's a serious grumpy CEO now who gets off on barking orders to everyone who works for him.

"I'm trying to get to know him better," I added, shrugging. "I want to know what it takes to make him smile, be happy, and be normal."

"And what have you figured out?" Isabelle asked, looking thrilled that her plan of bringing two hot-heads—Callum and me together might have worked.

"That the only thing that brings him great joy in his life is when it has something to do with sex."

She shook her head. "You're wrong, Eloise." She aimed her champagne flute at me, saying, "You're what makes him smile and happy and what makes him act like a normal human being. Because when the two of you aren't playing around upsetting one another, he's just like Rory, Hudson, Greyson, and Jace. I won't even mention Aaron because he also needs a wake-up call. But this isn't about him; he doesn't have issues he needs to deal with and accept. He's just Aaron, being the playboy he's always been since his school years. Whereas you and Callum are too much alike, where you have lots to discover about yourselves and also to see, finally, that you two are totally meant to be together."

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