13 - Callum

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Me: You idiot. I asked you not to fuck this up. And what do you do? You fucking screwed up. And now she's pissed off.

Screws? I asked Aaron to step in and do something if he felt something further would happen. But giving her a box of screws? What the fuck?

Aaron: Hey. I did what you told me to do. So how did I screw this up for you?

Me: Why would you give her a box of screws?

Aaron: LOL. You told me she asked if you had some loose screws. So, when I saw how Mason was eying the stunning green-eyed, gorgeous babe and heard what they were talking about, I handed a waitress a small wrapped box, asking that she give it to "your girl" and insisted that she not point out who it was from. I did what you asked. And now you're pissed at me.

Me: Screws? That's what you came up with? You obviously went there prepared. So why choose to do that?

Aaron: Because your girl is right. Only they're not loose; you completely lost your screws. So I gave them to her to make her think about what she was doing there with him...

Fucking smart ass...

And he only did something I would do. Only this wasn't the right time to be a smart ass. I've got to live with Eloise for a week, and the last thing I needed was to upset her, making our stay together much more miserable.

Aaron: I also felt that if she knew your screws were, in fact, lost, it showed how unglued you would become knowing she was out with another man. So it was a warning shot.

Now I have to come up with another plan to fix this. I mean, it is actually funny Aaron gave her screws and his reasoning behind it. But it wasn't what I wanted him to do. Now she assumes I was there spying on her, which is not what I wanted her to think. Which, in a way, I kind of was.


I wanted Aaron to step in if he had to, but differently, without letting her know I was involved in it in any way.

Me: By you doing that, told her I was involved. I wanted you to do something that didn't make it look like I had anything to do with it. On top of that, you dissed me in the process.

Aaron: Sorry, bud, but as I said, your girl is correct when she said you've got loose screws. Because you do, the Callum I know wouldn't be going nuts over one woman. He wouldn't have had me spying on a certain woman, and he wouldn't have given up meeting and having sex with random beautiful ladies because of one woman. So you, my friend, have definitely lost your screws.

I know I have, but now he made it, so I have to work harder for her not to beat the living shit out of me when she arrives in Hawaii and sees she's spending the entire week with me.


Me: Thanks for watching them. Is there anything else I should know?

Aaron: You're welcome. Sorry. I didn't mean to make things worse if I did. But honestly, when I was studying her around the guy, I saw a look on her face like she knew she shouldn't have been there with him. You must have said something to her to get under her skin because when he grabbed and held her hands and looked at her with desire in his eyes, she had a look of panic on her face. So I don't think there will be another date in the future.

Well, that sounds promising.

Me: Did you follow them back to her place?

Aaron: Yes, and all that happened was he walked her to her door, hugged her, and left.

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