10- Eloise

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I don't know who Callum thinks he is claiming he owns me or that I'm his. He can believe and threaten me with that bullshit all he wants, but it won't don't do him any good.

I still won't listen.

And this morning, I've decided that after five months of Mason trying to get me to go on a date with him, I'll accept his offer to take me out. Mason is friendly, charming, funny, caring, and thoughtful. He's also tall, which I like, with dark hair, blue eyes, and very masculine. All traits in men I like.

I've avoided going out with him because, after my breakup with Donovin, I felt the best thing to do was to take a break from men altogether. Primarily after he used the cliche excuse for the split, it's not you; it's me... coward.

After our breakup, it didn't take long for Donovin to move on. Supposedly, he found a woman that came from money—something I didn't have. And something he had brought up many times throughout our three-year relationship, wishing he didn't have to work so hard that he wished he or I came from money. So he found someone who would allow him to mooch off her. She can have him. He wasn't all that good in bed anyway—very dull and only cared about his own arousal.

Not to mention, Donovin had the smallest penis in the world. I thought so, anyway. Especially now, more than ever since my last sexual experience. He was also one of those guys who knew it was smaller than other guys, so he compensated for that with his attitude—big cocky attitude with a small dick.

I'm a bit curious to see what Callum does or what he'd do if he found out I went out with a man that wasn't him since he seems to think I'm his when technically we've never met. He may have had me pinned against the wall, kissed, and finger fucked me; nevertheless, I can't say I've physically met him when I haven't even seen his face—without a mask in the dark.

However, since Callum will be in New York this week, I know I won't have to worry about him hunting me and my date down. The only problem with this is Mason works for Callum, which may not turn out well.

I'll cross my fingers that Callum leaves him alone.

What confuses me, for someone who's a one-and-done type of guy, who refuses to be in a relationship, who refuses to come to the office to see his other employees or me for that matter, I don't understand why he's so obsessed with claiming me as his? It makes absolutely no sense to me.

He said I was a fucking hemorrhoid. If I'm that to him, then how am I his? If someone is a nuisance to them, you'd think they would want them to stay far away. He's also said other insults to me that weren't very nice. So again, why is he threatening that I am his? On top of that, Callum's wanted me fired since I started working at Wish Upon A Star—the first day. So I'm flummoxed about what is going on in my boss's mind.

And for Callum to tell me he let everyone know I was his when he carried me out of the bar Friday night? What's up with that? And what did he do or say to whoever was in the bar?

I can't stress over this. It isn't worth it. So I guess I'll respond to Callum's email before heading to the office to see what I can get out of him. If he even responds to what I have to say.

From: Eloise
To: Callum
Subject: Get over yourself

Dear arrogant bossy pants,

I'm glad you finally came to your senses, agreeing that you have no say in what I do, where I go, or what I wear outside of work. But watching me? For what? And why? That is the most ridiculous thing you could do when I'm not your GIRLFRIEND or WIFE! I'm nothing to you other than your administrative assistant. That's it.

Do you have some loose screws that you need help tightening? Because I can use my screwdriver and re-tighten it for you.

Are you a few fries short of a happy meal? Because if you are, I'll look for someone to help you.

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