38 - Eloise

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I'm flabbergasted.

Completely blown away.

Callum just slid a ring on my finger that he claims isn't an engagement ring but a promise ring that looks to have cost more than my townhouse. But most importantly, when in the world did he buy me this?

I held up my hand, rocking it from side to side, studying the ring in awe. An exquisite corset resembling the lacing of a couture gown. A pear-shaped diamond center stone draped between two interlacing purple diamond ribbons.

He gently took my hand and brought it to his mouth, kissed the top of my hand, then lowered it to eye the beautiful hardware he just gave me for no reason. "The jeweler explained to me this ring symbolizes two souls becoming one. And that's where I see us heading—it's what I'm hoping for, at least." He slid the ring from side to side, the street lights bouncing off the ring, brightly twinkling as we drove past them. "The center stone is a 5.70-carat diamond, and the other diamonds weigh in at about one carat—a total of one hundred and thirteen diamonds are on this ring, secured magnificently on a platinum band. And the purple diamonds are to remind you that your brother is still with you," he added, my nose stinging from the tears that wished to assault my face.

"Callum... thank you," I said, choked up. "This is beautiful," I said, bringing my gaze to his. "When in the world did you get this, and where did you get this?"

His hand formed on my head, and he pulled me to his mouth. Kissing me passionately that excited my ovaries so much, my pussy pulsated to beat the band. "When we were in New York last, and you were busy looking at the jewelry, I pulled a jeweler to the side, told him what I wanted to be done, and said if he could have the ring made and done by the time of the gala, they'd receive a bonus. So when I got a call yesterday morning that the ring was ready, I asked that they deliver it to the hotel, letting them know there would be another bonus if they were to deliver it personally to me. So they made out handsomely on this ring," Callum proudly enlightened.

"But how did you know about my brother? I never told you about him then."

"No, you didn't. Initially, the ring was for you to add to your ensemble tonight. That's why the purple diamonds are cascading on either side of the pear-shaped diamond. However, when we were in Hawaii, and you were in awe about the sunset showing those beautiful colors and saying how the purple hues in the sky reminded you of your brother, I wondered then if epilepsy was what caused his death. Then, when you mentioned to Mack and Marissa that your brother had passed away from a seizure, I knew it was the perfect ring to give you. And it made me even more satisfied that I had it made for you."

I hugged him, fighting back the tears that wanted to expose themselves as I whispered, "Thank you."

He kissed my lips. "You're welcome." He looked out the window and then returned his eyes to me. "We should be pulling up to the venue any second." He caressed the left side of my face and smiled. "I should warn you, though. The paparazzi will bombard us once we pull up to the red carpet and step out of this limo."

After reading about it in my romance novels and seeing it in movies, I was afraid that would happen. So I'm prepared for it.

"So, we'll be posing for photos as we walk the red carpet, making our way into the venue. There will also be a lot of questions flying our way. But don't be overwhelmed by it all. They know who I am and know I never come to events with a woman by my side. The paparazzi have also labeled me numerous times as the hottest eligible bachelor on the planet."

"That doesn't surprise me."

"However, because I have paid millions of dollars to keep my face out of the spotlight in all the photos they have posted about me, you won't have to worry about women flocking to my feet. They'll know me by name, not by face. So when we work the floor introducing ourselves, you'll be known as my girlfriend, all while flashing a ring on your delicate finger, showing we're not just there together as a forefront to my company but a serious item. So the women should leave us alone."

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